Twenty One

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"Night, Binnie, Chan." I whispered and waved to them, shutting the door and going down the hall to my room. As I walked in, I slowed as I saw my dad there then he looked at me from his spot on my bed.

"Dad?" I questioned him, but felt my stomach drop as I saw the photo strip of Changbin and I from today.

"I thought we had a deal, Felix." He said and looked the photos. I knew what was pissing him off. In the first photo, we were smiling. The second, I was kissing Changbin's cheek. He was kissing mine in the third, and the fourth? I could still taste Changbin's tongue down my throat as the camera flashed.

"D-dad, plea-please!" I whispered and he looked at me.

"I said you could bring them, Felix, I let you bring those two down here! On the promise you didn't do this disgusting shit anymore!" He growled, but I shook my head.

"Please, you-you don't understand! I-I love him!" I begged, but he scoffed and dropped the photo strip, pulling his belt off.

"Dad, no, don't!" I begged, tears falling down my cheeks, but he scoffed and grabbed my shirt. He slammed me to the wall and I bit my lip, holding in my cries.

"You are disgusting, Felix! You're not my son!" He growled and threw me to the ground. Not even a second later, I couldn't hold it in. I screamed as the leather hit my back then I heard someone yelling my name, but the door wouldn't move. He locked the door!

"CHANGBIN!" I screamed as my dad's belt hit my arm then I curled up, hoping that would protect me a little.

"Disgusting bastard! You know what you've done wrong!" Dad yelled, hitting me again as Chan and Changbin beat on the door.

"Please, stop!" I begged my dad, knowing he wouldn't, then I felt him hit me again right as the door slammed into the floor.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!" I heard and screamed as hands grabbed me, but I looked up to see Chan.


"Don't look, Felix!" Chan said and covered my eyes as I heard it. The sounds of a fist hitting a body, bones snapping, Changbin beating my father.

"Don't look!" Chan breathed and I gripped his shirt, sobbing now as I closed my eyes and hid in his chest.

"You're okay!" Chan said and put his hands over my ears, trying to hide me from my savior protecting me again.


I whimpered as Mrs. Bang laid a cold bandage on the welts then I felt soothing hands rub my arms.

"Shh, you're okay!" Mrs. Bang whispered and I closed my eyes, hanging my head.

"I-I'm sorry!" I cried, but she hugged me and sighed.

"Shh, sweetheart! You have nothing to be sorry for-"

"I-I ruined your-your anniversary-"

"Felix, you look at me!" I lifted my head then she smiled as she held my face.

"My son needed me, his friend was hurt, and they couldn't risk the hospital because Changbin beat your father! My anniversary is not ruined, because this is one of many, and I am just as happy to help my son and his friends as I would be at dinner!" She said and I nodded.

"Does your back still hurt?" She asked, but I shook my head. It was true, the whip marks didn't hurt as much anymore.

"I want you to keep the cooling bandages on anyway, but we'll forgo a shirt. Come on, get some food." She said and pulled me up off her bed, taking me downstairs. In the living room, I saw Mr. Bang, Hannah, Lucas, Chan, and Changbin. Changbin's hands were bandaged, but that was it.

"Felix!" Changbin shot up as he saw me then I wrapped my arms around his neck, clenching my eyes as he held me.

"I'm right here, baby! You're okay, you're safe!" He whispered and I nodded, tucking my face into his neck.

"Mom?!" Chan asked, but Mrs. Bang sighed.

"He's going to have bruises and some welts, but he'll be just fine. Felix, honey, I'll make you food." I nodded into Changbin's neck then felt his arms tighten around me.

"Come on, Angel, let's sit you down!" Changbin said and I nodded, letting him take me to the living room. He sat on the chair then I climbed into his lap, letting him hold me as I curled into him.


"I'm sorry, Mr. Bang." I said and he frowned at me.

"I-I messed up your evening, I didn't mean to." I said and he sighed.

"Felix, you were in danger and our son needed our help! You ruined nothing! I'd rather we help you than spend a stupid amount on a dinner for a night we will have many more of!" He said and I smiled softly.

"What's going to happen now?" Hannah asked and I frowned.

"Your stuff is still at that house, Felix, like your passport!" She said and I cursed.

"We'll get it." Chan said and I looked at him confused.

"What? How?" I asked, but he shook his head.

"Just trust me, Felix, we'll get your things." He said and I nodded.

"Felix." I looked at Mrs. Bang then sat up in Changbin's lap, taking the plate and smiling as I ate.

"Felix!" I heard Changbin breathe then looked at him over my shoulder and realized he saw the scars on my back now. When we'd had sex at the hotel yesterday, he hadn't seen my back once or he was just too out of it to really realize what my back looked like.

"How long has he been hitting you?!" Changbin asked and I frowned, setting the plate in my lap.

"Since-since mom left the hospital." I whispered and Chan growled, making his mom grab his arm.

"You know you could have come to us, Felix!" Mrs. Bang said and I nodded.

"I-I would, but he- He said if I leave, he'd hurt Olivia like he hurt me!" I said and looked at them.

"I had to keep Olivia safe until she moved in with Rachel-"

"Which she just did." Lucas said and I nodded.

"She moved in with her two months ago-"

"Before you sent that letter." Chan said and I nodded.

"Once she was safe with Rachel, I-I knew I could go. By that point, I was... I was too scared to leave the house alone." I said and Mr. Bang sighed.

"The only time you're going back is to get your things, Felix! I don't care how much you want to go back-"

"I don't! I want to go home to Seoul!" I said and they smiled.

"Good. Now, you finish eating then we'll go tomorrow-"

"Actually, we're going to rest tomorrow. Then we'll go get his things." Chan said and I frowned.

"But, our flight-"

"Felix, I own the plane company, remember?" Mr. Bang said and I looked at him.

"I will fly you home when you are ready." He promised and I nodded, smiling as I kept eating.

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