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Daryl stepped forward first, his cold glare drifting along the line of men. "Who the hell are you?" He demanded, stopping his stare on the man who had a gun tucked into his jumper. "Who the hell are you?" Tomas asked back, watching as Moon stood up with his gun raised and aimed.

"He's bleeding out, we got to go back. Come around here, put pressure on the knee. Hard. Hard! Push!" Rick had to force his eyes away from the gushing stump, they fell onto Maggie who was frozen in shock. The woman's face was ghostly white, her wide eyes stuck on her father's face.

Moon glanced back at Hershel, his heart dropping at the amount of blood the old man had lost. "Why don't you come on out of there? Slow and steady." The prisons had no choice but to comply with Daryl's cold demand, still too confused to think straight. "What happened to him?" Tomas glared in confusion, looking around at everyone in the room. Trying to understand.

"He got bit." Daryl stated like it should have been obvious, why else would they chop a man's leg off? "Bit?" Tomas pulled the small handgun out, not liking the feeling of not knowing. It intimidated him. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy now. Ain't nobody needs to get hurt." The hunter was smart enough to see how unstable Tomas was. T-dog raised his gun, not taking the stranger's threat lightly.

Glenn tried to calm his racing heart, the look on his girlfriend's face was one he never wanted to see again. "Do you have medical supplies?" He didn't wait for a reply as he rushed into the small room the men were in, looking for anything they could use. "Whoa, where do you think you're going?"

Walkers clawed and snarled on the other side of the door being held closed with one of Daryl's arrows. "Who the hell are you people, anyway?" Tomas kept his gun on Daryl, the more intimidating of the three men with weapons out.

"Don't look like no rescue team." Axel crossed his arms over his chest, the wrinkles on his forehead creasing as his body tensed up anxiously. When they heard the doors being slammed open, they were all so sure they were finally being saved. Clearly, they were wrong.

"If a rescue team is what you're waiting for, don't." Rick got to his feet, lifting Hershel with him as Glenn came back out with a metal trolley. Once the dying man was up, the blood started pouring out faster than before. "Now, come on! I need a hand here."

Rick and Glenn laid Hershel down quickly, their shock wearing off and the severity of the situation taking its place. "T, the door." T-dog wasted no time yanking the large doors open, taking down the walkers that forced their way in. "Moon! Daryl!" Rick yelled when the two didn't follow them out immediately.

Instead, they kept their eyes on the unknown men. "Let's go." Moon began walking backward, looking at the prisoners cautiously. The short man took lead, killing any walker that got in their way. "Come on!" He urged, following the trail of arrows leading back to their cell block.

"Stop, stop." Rick paused when he heard the prisoners race after them. The former sheriff felt the threat, he heard the careless pattern their feet stomped in. They didn't care for being quiet, that meant they were stupid. The most dangerous kind of person in an apocalypse.

"Let's go." Moon started forward again, scrambling to get Hershel somewhere safe. "He's losing too much blood." Maggie kept her hands pressed against her father's knee, they trembled but the woman forced herself out of the shock she felt.

"Open the door! It's Hershel! Carl!" Rick called out in a shout when they made it closer to the cell block. "Daddy!" Beth panicked as they wheeled him in. Moon stayed in the sitting room with Daryl, waiting for the prisoners.

"How many rounds you got?" The Dixon glanced at his friend, his crossbow aimed at the entrance. "Quarter clip." Moon stood a few feet away blocking the path to the cell block the others were in. When they heard the footsteps, they were ready.

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