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The gate was dragged open, Aaron helped Eric walk through. The group didn't go in, they waited for Rick's go-ahead. A trashcan falling behind them made them turn around, Daryl shot the animal.

He picked it up looking at Nicholas who watched in disgust as Daryl held the dead rodent casually. "We brought dinner." Was all Daryl said. "It's okay. Come on in guys." Aaron nodded.

Rick walked in first, holding Judith to his chest. When the gate closed behind them, Moon did a quick look around. He didn't expect it to feel so much like the old world. No one even held a knife as they walked around.

"Before we take this any further, I need you all to turn over your weapons. You stay, you hand them over." Nicholas addressed the group first. "We don't know if we wanna stay." Rick shut him down with zero hesitation.

"It's fine, Nicholas." Aaron didn't want any problems with the new group, he knew they would make valuable assets to their community. He wasn't willing to give that up. "If we were gonna use them, we would have started already."

"Let them talk to Deanna first." Abraham Immediately called out. "Who's Deanna?" Aaron looked at him. "She knows everything you'd want to know about this place. Rick, why don't you start?"

They heard a low growl a few feet away from the gate. "Sasha." He nodded. She shot it without a second glance. Nicholas looked surprised. "It's a good thing we're here."


Moon was one of the last to get interviewed, he walked into the house, his nose twitching at the smell. Lemons, whoever invented lemon scented candles should be in jail. In Moon's humble opinion of course.

"Hello. I'm Deanna Monroe." An older woman smiled at him as he walked into the sitting room. She held her hand out respectfully. "Moon Rhee." He shook it politely. Moon looked at the camera that was already recording before he sat down hesitantly.

"I hope you don't mind me recording this." She took a seat on the couch across from him. He shook his head, being sure to force a smile. "That's okay." Moon didn't care to question it, cameras were nothing new to him. "How long have you been out there?" She started with the same question she asked everyone.

"Since the start. We had a place for a while, it was nice while it lasted." Her smile turned sympathetic. "Tell me about it." The man hummed, tapping his finger on the armrest of the chair. "We were on the road for nine months before we found it. A prison, at the time it was perfect."

Deanna wasn't sure she's ever heard the two words in the same sentence. Prison and perfect just didn't seem likely. The woman didn't understand what life was like for the people not living behind her walls. It would make since she thought he might have been exaggerating it.

"It had fences, food, and security. We cleared the whole prison, hundreds of walkers. Some of us didn't make it. It fell because a man wanted it, he already had a whole town of his own. But he wanted what we built. You can get the gist of how it ended."

Deanna nodded, her eyes running down the length of his arms and the side of his neck. "You can ask." He said, already seeing the question in her eyes. "What happened to you?" She wanted to be polite and save her intrusive questions for last, but she wasn't good at hiding her curiosity it seemed.

It wasn't uncommon for people to come in with scars or wounds, but Moon had more than anyone Deanna's ever met. And he wore them better than most would be able to. The woman couldn't help the fact they piqued her interest.

"Got this one at the prison, an inmate who survived held a knife to my neck when Rick held a gun to his head." Moon traced the scar Andrew gave him on the side of his neck. It was the thinnest of them all.

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