The Same Boat

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Glenn looked at Moon, his eyes wide with panic. "Fix it." Moon muttered, his face and body language showing he didn't care. If he showed how worried he was, whoever took Maggie and Carol would know how important they were. That's leverage.

"Now, we're gonna work this out right now, and it's going to go our way." The woman said finishing her sentence. Rick looked at Glenn and Daryl who were the closest to the man. "Grab him." They didn't need to be told twice. When the man was up Rick spoke into the walkie.

"You can see we have one of yours. We'll trade." Moon kept his gun to the bald man's head, looking around. "I'm listening." The voice on the radio was heard clearly. It didn't break up. Letting Rick know they were close.

"First I want to talk to Maggie and Carol, make sure they're all right." Everyone glanced around, trying to find them but the trees stopped them from seeing far. It took a second to hear anything. "Rick, it's Carol. I-I'm fine but-" Carol's shaky voice was cut off.

"Rick, it's Maggie we're both okay. We'll figure thi-" Maggie was also cut off. Her voice held no fear, Glenn was grateful for that. His heart couldn't handle any more fear.

"You have your proof. Let's talk." The woman watched them from a distance through binoculars. "Alright, this is the deal right here. Let 'em go, you can have your guy back and live." Rick looked at the man who smirked.

"Two for one, that's not much of a trade." The woman responded back. "You don't have another choice or you would've done something about it already." There was no response for a while. The man started to shift around, his smirk falling.

Rick realized they didn't know what to do.
"Look I know you're talking it over. It's a fair trade. Just come out, we do this, we all walk away. Do we have a deal?" He knew it wasn't a fair trade. They just killed everyone in that building, probably their friends.

"I'll get back to you." The woman said shortly. "Put Maggie on." Rick again waited for a response that didn't come. "She won't answer you, you have to wait for her." The man whose face was bloody and bruised stared at Rick, now full of uncertainty.


Daryl managed to track whoever took Maggie and Carol. Their footprints went north and the car they took left track marks showing they kept in that direction. Abraham was driving the RV. They didn't know where they were going but they knew it was the right way.

Moon sat with his brother, trying to distract him. "I think it'll be a boy." He spoke about the baby. "Why?" Glenn tried to play along but the distraction wasn't working. "Our family doesn't have girls often, as far as I know."

Glenn turned to him frowning. "What?" He's never been told this before. Moon nodded. "I'm serious. From what I've been told Mom's side of the family only had boys. She only had brothers and she had two sons. Maybe you'll have a boy too."

Moon wasn't lying. Of course, he knew it was at least a bit true as he knew he had a son. Moon didn't know much about his family but from what he knew, his mother was very spoiled as a kid. Her mom died the same days she was born and she was the youngest of all her brothers. So her dad and brothers gave her everything she wanted.

His mother was pampered and spoiled all her life, she grew used to it. She was a bully and a brat but they saw her as a little princess. When she met their dad he treated her like a queen.

Anything she wanted she got. He went along with everything she said. They only dated for two months before they got married. A month later they moved to America. They never had to work because her family sent them money weekly. Then her dad died and she inherited millions.

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