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Tw: Uncomfortable to read. Mention of S/a.


In the loud, chaotic classroom there was only one silent student, fifteen year old Moon Rhee. He sat at the front of the class, with his head in his folded arms that were resting on the table sound asleep.

He could sleep through anything at this point. It had been a while since he'd gotten a full night's rest. He needed something to keep himself from falling asleep when he got home. Glenn was having nightmares, every night. He refused to sleep alone. The seven year old tried hard to stay up as late as he could, meaning Moon had to as well.

The sleeping boy didn't hear the bell ring, he didn't wake up until he felt a soft hand on his back. His body tensed, eyes snapping open. "I'm sorry." He stood immediately, apologizing when he realized he slept past the bell. Glenn's school got out a few minutes after his, so he'd have to be quick to make it on time.

"It's all right, Moorti. You know you're always welcome with me." Miss Giaz smiled softly, her thick accent sent shivers down his spine, it always did. He gave a polite smile before picking up his bag. "Thanks." The short boy stared at the door, his feet went to move quicker than they should have.

But she stopped him by placing a hand on his shoulder. His heart sank hearing her words. "You promised." She reminded, maintaining her false smile. Moon's eyes were frozen on the exit, his legs twitching as his mind began racing. He couldn't do it yesterday, it was just too much. He had promised today, pleaded with her.

"I know, but Glenn he-" Moon began trying to find another excuse, one he hadn't used dozens of times before. But she cut him off, her smile tightening. "Moon, sweetie. It's okay, he can wait." She spoke kindly, but her eyes gave it away, today would be bad. The woman's hand traveled up his neck and to his jaw, she gripped it, forcing him to look at her. Moon knew not to resist.

"You love me, don't you Moon?" She muttered, raising her other hand to run her fingers through his hair. The boy nodded, forcing his eyes not to move from hers. It didn't matter what he wanted to say, she was expecting something.

And Moon was smart enough to say it. "Yes, Miss Giaz, I do love you." It sounded scripted, but she didn't hear that. She heard what she wanted, that he loved her.

"Go on. My pretty boy." Moon turned away from her, slowly making his way to the door, his hand hesitated to lock the door. But like muscle memory, his fingers twitched and the lock clicked in place. She could see he didn't want to, but he still did it anyway. That's what made her feel so powerful, she loved the control.


Moon gagged, puking the contents of his stomach into the school toilet. His body itched, he knew not to scratch. The boy squeezed his eyes shut, stopping his bottom lip from wobbling.

He took a deep breath, standing quickly. Moon hated how he could never get used to it. He could never just be okay with it. And he couldn't fathom why. Moon has learned to accept everything that's given to him, he has learned this life isn't about him. So why couldn't he just be fine with it?

The boy flushed the toilet, wiping his mouth on his arm. Moon walked out of the stall, rinsing his mouth out and then scrubbing his hands until they were red before leaving the bathroom. On his way out of the school, he made eye contact with a teacher. The old man turned away, completely ignoring the broken boy.

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