The First Day of the Rest of Your Life

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Moon stared at Dwight, watching him drop to his knees. The blond had his eyes on Daryl, he was smart to be cautious. The feeling of being held onto by the back of his shirt was slowly starting to become familiar to Moon. He looked down at his son, placing a light hand on his head.

The boy stared up at him, his eyes were wide but they held no fear. He was tugging on his left ear with his free hand, biting his bottom lip nervously. Moon glanced at Rick, his husband had his gun on Dwight, head tilted in a way that let Moon know he had everything under control.

Moon turned back to Moon Jr, smiling gently. "Come on." He whispered, guiding the boy with him to the cell door. Dwight's eyes turned to the two as they started to leave. "Look at me." Rick demanded, moving the man's unwanted attention away from his husband and stepson.

"Can we play Legos now?" Moon Jr asked his dad as they made it up the steps that led them away from the cell. "If you're not tired." Moon nodded, a dimpled smile taking over his face.

"I'm not." The boy lightly bounced on his toes as they walked, his hand grabbing his dads with a little grin. The shock still hadn't worn off for either of them. The father and son still had a hard time processing that they were together. Their hands were connected and no one was there to force them apart. Not again.


Rick couldn't stop thinking about what he said, about how he felt. He felt guilty for feeling the way he did. It didn't take long for Moon to catch onto it. He could tell his husband was bothered. He associated Rick's off behavior with their conversation in the van.

"You wanna talk about it, baby?" The younger man whispered into the silent air. The two men were in bed, Moon's front to Rick's back, his arm draped across the taller's waist. Rick shook his head silently, pulling his husband's hand up closer to his face. He pressed a small kiss to Moon's palm before resting the side of his face against the scarred hand.

Moon brushed his thumb along the high of Rick's cheekbone, his eyes frowning with worry. "Tell me what's wrong and I'll fix it."
He whispered but got no response. "Please, my love." Moon wouldn't go to bed knowing his husband was upset. He pressed light kisses to the man's naked back, encouraging him to speak.

"You can't." Rick muttered, shifting around so he was on his stomach instead of his side. His face slid away from Moon's hand, leaving it to settle in the crook of his neck. "Let me try." It was an insistent whisper, Moon understood Rick sometimes had trouble speaking his mind about things that might cause tension in the relationship.

But he also knew if they didn't talk about it, it would just get swept under the rug. And Rick deserved to be heard, even if he tried not to be. "You'll be upset." The taller man sighed, turning around to face his gentle husband. Moon stared into Rick's blue eyes, smiling softly.

"Maybe, but there's nothing we can't work through together." He assured, his right hand moving up and down the length of Rick's side. A trail of goosebumps followed behind his fingertips.

Rick didn't know how to tell his husband he hated being put last. That it made him feel bad when Moon always cut their time short the moment the kids called. And that made him feel guilty. The older man thought before he spoke, finding the right words.

"Before... you told me Glenn would always come first. He would always be your main priority." Rick put his head down as he began to speak, unable to look at his confused husband any longer. "I'm okay with that, I-I understand why."

He understood Moon could never be without Glenn, that was a place no one, not even their children, could have. "I didn't mind it when it was just him. I could handle that." Glenn was an adult, he didn't have or need Moon's full attention.

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