Family First, Family Second

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THREE THINGS! First, yes this is the chapter fully made by me, for mainly the purposes of building character and the relationships between the characters. Second, I like music, and there is a song I love inserted into the story, and it will also appear later in the story, not just in this chapter, but please, chance it to anything you like, but if can't think of anything else, use the one I picked. And last, this thing is PACKED with information, like if you had to skip any chapter, it wouldn't be this one.

"What the hell?" Was what Kai said when he came back from training to the dining room, only to see the table filled with Jays, mediocre at most, cooking.

"Tell me about it! I thought it was (y/n)s turn to cook." Cole complained as he munched on some fish sticks with a frown.

"Yeah, I did too, but no! I'm cooking again, twice in a row!" Jay said as he placed a jug of water on the table.

"(y/n) is busy looking after Lloyd, he has a lot on his hands. Try to bear with it." Zane stated. What a nice way of saying 'Deal with it', Zane, Kai thought.

"Busy? Busy my ass! He's only been babying the kid all day!" Cole said as he told the others of what happened that morning.

"Hey, (y/n), I'm practicing making dessert, wanna help me out?" Cole eagerly asked as he stood at the doorway to, what is now Lloyds rooms. 

"Sorry, Cole. I'm busy, I'll help you out some other day, okay?" (y/n), who was laying on the floor, drawing with Lloyd, said to Cole. They were using colorful crayons that were spread all around the floor.

"How 'bout this? Is it good?" Lloyd said as he showed  (y/n) his drawing. It had some purple thingy, a stick figure with a bamboo hat, a smaller stick figure with a cape, and another stick figure with a kind smile on it's face and some (h/c) color representing hair holding the hand of the smaller stick figure..

"Wow! It's so cool, is that me?"

"Yeah! and me, uncle Wu, and Dad! My family!" He said excitedly as (y/n) laughed at his enjoyment. Cole just huffed and left.

"And that's not all, it happened, twice..." Cole said before continuing.

"(y/n), (y/n)! Wanna train with me and the guys? We're sparring soon." Cole said as he ran into the living room. He stopped upon seeing (y/n) playing video games with Lloyd. Cole froze as he stared in shock. (y/n) has never played video games with the team, or even in front of them. and Cole doubted he's played any alone either (Haha, wrong). (y/n) then turned around and called out to him.

"Sorry, Cole, I can't right now, maybe later?"

"(y/n)! Look at this sick move!" Lloyd yelled as (y/n) turned his gaze back to the tv.

"Oh, wow. Can you teach that to me?" (y/n) asked Lloyd as Cole watched behind them. Lloyd turned to face Cole and pulled one eye down and stuck his tongue out when (y/n) wasn't looking. Cole scowled and cracked his knuckles, ready to teach the kid some manners, but stopped when (y/n) noticed him and gave him a 'Don't you dare' glare. Cole pointed his finger from his eyes to Lloyd's before leaving the room.

"Yeah, he's been with Lloyd since this morning." Jay said before telling them what he saw.

Jay had just woken up, the others were still asleep when he noticed Lloyd was in their room. Lloyd went next to (y/n)s bed and shook the (h/c) boy.

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