Winds of Change

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Ninjago was safe once again. No more Chen, no more Clouse, and no more weird cults. But that also meant the ninja didn't have any villains to fight, and that was a good thing, because they could now concentrate on helping with some other problems.

Smaller problems, but problems none the less. Some on the coast, some in the city, and some, like now, on the sea.

"Ahahaa!" Kai was having a lot of fun, just riding on his fire dragon and letting the breeze cool him off.

Noticing the red ninja having fun all by himself, Lloyd joined him with a laugh.

"Getting ahead of yourself, Kai? Heh, I'm leading this charge." Lloyd called to him, before charging after Kai on his energy dragon.

"Wha-!" Kai let out as he quickly dodged, avoiding his and Lloyd's dragons colliding into each other. But in the process he also descended closer to the water, before Lloyd's dragon splashed some water straight onto the Master of Fire.

"Aah!!" The red ninja let out as another laugh sounded from above.

"That's one way to cool off a hothead." Jay joked as Kai turned his head up and called over to the Master of Lightning.

"Hey, no one messes up my hair!" Kai said before rushing after Lloyd, first flying over him before diving towards the water.

"Whoa!" Lloyd let out as he turned, barely managing to avoid getting splashed. But even though he managed to avoid it, the unsuspecting Zane wasn't so lucky.

Zane coughed and spit out some of the water as Cole flew up to him. He laughed at the sight with Jay before speaking up.

"You okay there, Zane?" He asked as the Titanium ninja gave him a nod.

"Affirmative. It'll take more than a little water to take me out." Zane stated with confidence when Jay noticed something in the water behind them.

"Oh, what about a big fish?! Incoming!" He warned as the Ice and Earth ninjas both turned to look behind themselves in shock.

"Oh, no! Aah!" Zane let out as a fish about the size of one of their elemental dragons, hopped out of the water. It opened it's mouth, filled with sharp teeth, before trying to take a bite out of Zane's dragon.

Fortunately, the Master of Ice managed to evade the attack, and the fish dove back into the water with a splash.

"There he blows!" Cole called out as Zane sighed, still in one piece.

"Based on its weight and size, this is the mutant Fangfish terrorizing the coastal village and depleting their food source." Pixal then told Zane, who passed the information to the others.

"Pixal says this is the one." Zane called out to the others as Lloyd cracked a smirk.

"And now that he's taken the bait, let's reel him in and get him to the aquarium." He said before making a sudden turn to another direction, as the rest of the team and the Fangfish followed behind him.

"Let me guess, Kai. You caught one that big once?" Jay decided to ask on the way as Kai shook his head.

"Heck no. He was twice the size!" Just as he had said that, the Fangfish jumped up again, but once again missed as Kai dodged it swiftly.

 "He's almost as hungry as you, Cole." Jay cracked another joke as he let out a small laugh.

"And twice as ugly as you, Jay." Cole quickly got back at him as the entire team except for Lloyd burst out in laughter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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