Extra #3 Days with Lloyd Garmadon.

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Everything in this chapter happened in the past, weather that is before the pilots, or just before random chapters like child's play. This will be a multi-parter, this one is for Lloyd, but there will be one for Cole, Kai, Zane and so on. I hope you enjoy! :D

Many years ago...

"(y/n)!!! They- They-" Little Lord Garmadon was in the verge of tears as he ran into the monastery. A young (y/n) ran from where he was practicing straight to Lloyd and knelt next to him.

"Did they refuse to give you candy?" (y/n) asked, but Lloyd shook his head.

"Did they throw vegetables at you?" Another shake.

"What is it then?" (y/n) kept a calm tone of voice the entire time as Lloyd's sobs died down slowly.

"They- didn't let me play with them...  although they needed a villain for their game."

"Oh, Lloyd, come here. Some people just are like that." (y/n) gave the hooded boy a hug before the little boy strapped himself to (y/n) like a soft sea urchin. (y/n) lifted Lloyd up and brought him into the monastery.

"Sensei, Lloyd is here." (y/n) called to Wu, who didn't take long to appear in the doorway with smile on his face.

"Nephew, how have you been?" Wu asked, but Lloyd didn't answer. His face was still red from crying and seeing Wu only seemed to make it worse. 

"I'll put him to bed." (y/n) gave a bow to his Sensei before he turned around to move towards the little spare room they had in the monastery. As they walked, Lloyd peeked over (y/n)'s shoulder and gave Wu a small wave, which Wu returned with a smile on his face. (y/n)'s arms were thinner, and he could only carry Lloyd a limited amount of time before he got really tired. (y/n) laid Lloyd down on the bed, and started singing. It only took a couple of verses and the little dark lord was fast asleep.


"(y/n)! Look!" Lloyd pulled out the latest issue of Starfarer from behind his back. (y/n) turned tu Lloyd from where he was picking out fresh vegetables from the stores wide variety of food.

"Oh, another Starfarer? Don't you already have many of those?" Lloyd pouted at (y/n)'s answer.

"Nope, it's a continuing series. if I wan't to know what happens and how the story ends, I need ALL THE PARTS!" (y/n) nodded along after letting out a sigh. He offered his shopping cart towards Lloyd, who eagerly dropped the comic into it.

"Thanks big bro (y/n)!" (y/n) smiled rightly at the little blonde boy and chuckled.

"You're welcome."


"MUHUAHAHAHA!" the young boy's evil laugh echoed in the town. The townsfolk ignored him as he stomped from place to place demanding candy. Only one gave him, an old lady who own's a tea shop. Some distance behind the boy, an older boy with (h/c) hair was running after him, until he got to the entrance of the tea shop, where the old lady was still standing.

"Good day, young (y/n)." Mystake greeted her student, who stopped in his tracks and gave her a deep bow.

"Good day, Mystake." (y/n) stopped chasing after Lloyd to talk with his private tutor.

"Your history grade has increased significantly compared to last month." Mystake started the conversation.

"Heheh, you flatter me." (y/n) smiled, earning a happy hum from the older lady.

"You act too formally, I really should have taken custody of you instead of that crusty old man." Mystake brought another topic up as she scoffed.

"Please, I'm not bothered at all." (y/n) waved her bad mood away and smiled at Mystake before noticing something behind her. Mystake noticed something had gotten the boy's attention, and she turned around. She hummed happily once more and walked back in, and picked up the toy. She hadn't had time to say anything when the sounds of Lloyd's angered yells sounded from the other side of town.

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