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Warning: blood, not much, just a little, but im saying just in case.

"Evil doesn't sleep, and neither should you!" Wu yelled as he hit the gong repeatedly to wake the still sleeping ninja up. Out of five, only one bed was empty as the others were occupied by the sleeping ninja. (y/n) soon came to the room carrying a tray with vegetable sticks and homemade dip sauce, and toast.

"In order to reach your full potential, we must greet each day as an opportunity." The ninja groaned as Sensei Wu tried to wake them up.

"Okay, okay, we're up." Kai groaned as he jumped out of his bed.

"But if you want us to reach our full potential, shouldn't we at least get a full night of rest?" Kai yawned after walking to the window. as he tried to open window blinds, they fell of completely.

"You call that a rest? i think my back has more lumps than the mattress." Cole complained after stretching his back. but his frown turned upside down as he munched on a carrot stick after dipping it into the sauce.

"We we're up so late, talking about how cool it it to have a new headquarters I guess we lost track of time." Jay said as he opened the water tap but only sand came out of it.

"Since the Serpentine burned down the monastery, I'm just glad we have a roof over our heads- Ack!" Jay spit out the sand after brushing his teeth a bit.

"What is our lesson today, Sensei? Mastering the strike of the scorpion? Or perhaps the grace of a-" Zane was cut short as the planks beneath him broke and he fell into the bounty's floor.

"I think today's lesson will be chores." Wu answered the ninja who all spoke up in surprise.


"Ninja fight, Sensei. They do not clean." Cole before as Jay spoke up.

"Yeah, so why us? Can't (y/n) just do them? Ah-!" jay said before getting a piece of toast thrown to his face by (y/n). 

"In order to respect ourselves, we must respect out new home and where we are from. And this place is a long way from becoming a ninja headquarters. I expect things to be spotless when I return. (y/n) and Nya will be coming with me as well. And put your back into it." Wu said and left room. (y/n) placed the tray of food on Zane's bed before hurrying out the door as well. But he stopped and and quickly called out to the ninja.

"Make sure you eat all your food too! No one can work on an empty stomach" Then he too left. Cole pulled Zane up from the hole before munching on some toast while Kai complained.

"Ah, this place is gonna take forever to clean and fix up."

"Unless we put more than our backs into it, huh?" Jay winked before they all got to work.

"Ninja go!" Cole did Spinjitzu and cleared a room full of stuff and dirt out in seconds, throwing the stuff outside with a sign saying 'Garage sale'. Zane and Kai entered another room. Zane frozen the room with his shurikens, before kai melted it all with his sword, giving the room a good wash. While Cole and Kai tried fixing one of the generators, Jay managed to shock the main computer awake with his nunchuks, making the lights go on. On Bounty's deck, Zane, Kai and Cole opened the mast as dust started falling from it. Jay used Spinjitzu to make the dust fly away from them. Later, Wu, Nya, and (y/n) returned, they were surprised by the whole place being spotless as the ninja played games on the tv.

"What took you so long?" Kai asked as them when they came in.

"Wow! This place looks amazing. You guys did all this?" Nya asked as they looked around the room.

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