The stone army

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I feel so bad for Wu! I feel like he doesn't get enough love. Like imagine your brother stealing your love letter for the love of your life, then the two get married. And you just smile and respect their marriage like NO, WU YOU'RE TOO PRECIOUS I'M CRYING!!!! *Sobs... Also this isn't your chapter, my dear reader, you have been lowered to the level of a minor side character.

The Bounty was calm, even the singing of birds could have been heard from outside. Everyone was asleep, sleeping in their beds until suddenly...


 "Ugh..." Cole groaned as he tried to sit up, key word; tried, as he ended up hitting his head on the bunk on top of his. Zane kept sleeping soundly, not bothered by the blaring ringing.

"Uh... Aah!" Jay groaned as well, before falling off his bed. Kai's lip twitched as he grabbed and threw the nearest thing his arm reached at the alarm clock. Unluckily, the alarm clock hit the wall and landed on top of a gramophone with a bounce, as the noise grew louder. (y/n) woke up glaring straight up at the ceiling. He took a few deep breaths and sat up to watch the others wake up just as unpleasantly. Soon enough Lloyd woke up, his first instinct being to shoot a green laser straight at the gramophone, shutting the noise off 'effectively'.

"Is it Wednesday already?" The green ninja asked as he rubbed his eyes. Finally Zane woke up, looking like he woke up from the most pleasant beauty nap. He and (y/n) were the first to stand up, while the others took their time to whine first.

"Sunrise exercise. I hate sunrise exercise." Jay cried just as Wu stepped into the room, a mini gong in hand. He rang it with a smile on his face before speaking up.

"Ah, Good morning, morning, morning! Up, up, it's a new day, students! Before we begin sunrise exercise, I noticed the dragon made another mess outside. It looks like a two-person job, hehe." He added lastly, but before he could leave, Zane stopped him.

"Actually, Sensei..." He stepped to closer Sensei Wu and whispered something to him. Wu thought about it, what ever it was, before speaking.

"That is for him to ask, and I feel like it won't take long for him to do so." Zane just nodded as Wu stepped out the door and called to the entire team once more,

"Remember, important job," before slipping right out of the door again. Everyone else was already awake and standing by now too, but their faces immediately turned to 'oh noooo, it seems I'm busyyyyy'.

"Oh, what was that, Sensei?"
"Did I hear an SOS call come in?"
"I sense I need to be somewhere else."
"Lloyd, hehe. I'm sure you got this, heh." Jay was the last one to add as Lloyd glared at the four ninja.

"Hey! You might've been able to dump chores on me when I was smaller, but I'm grown up now. That's not fair!" The ninja immediately stopped as they were met with (y/n)'s piercing face of 'you dare?' and turned around and back to Lloyd.

"You're right, Lloyd." Kai spoke with a sigh.

"We need to settle this like men. With a round of Rock, Paper, Clamp!" The team smiled as (y/n)'s glare turned into an amused smile and a sigh. He left the room to do something else as the five other ninja were left to decide who has to 'take care' of the Ultra dragon.

"Okay, on three! One, two, three!" Kai said as the five showed their hands. Sadly, for Lloyd, everyone else chose paper while Lloyd chose rock.

"Haha! Paper beats rock!" Jay laughed as he gave Cole a high five.

"How does paper beat rock?" Lloyd groaned as the five headed down from the Bounty, and to the Ultra dragon's sleeping place atop a random building in Ninjago city.

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