King of shadows

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As the four ninja and their Sensei were making their way to the shuriken's of ice, a (h/c) haired boy was fixing the roof of the monastery, with his sleeves rolled up, and nails between his lips. He wiped a small sweat bead from his forehead then went back to work. (y/n) had been assigned to fix the roof while the five others get the shuriken's of ice, then head to their designated camp spot and wait there until the others get the nunchucks of lightning. He wasn't going to get the roof fixed anytime soon, the hole that came from when the ninja fought was big, and there weren't enough supplies in the monastery to get it fully fixed. After (y/n) nailed down the last wooden plank that he had, he stretched and jumped down from the roof. 

He took a sip of water from his water bottle, that was set on the ground. (y/n) was actually quite happy he didn't have to come with the ninja. He had mixed of about everything, although no one could really see it at first glance. 

"Not everything is set in stone (y/n), You should know that better than anyone"

(y/n)'s parents had died a long time ago, his mother in the serpentine wars, and his father later, due to old age. he had never seen them in anything but old paintings, but he knew who his father was, the elemental master of ice, that's who. Sensei Wu had trained (y/n) carefully, and strictly. And although he cared for the son of his late friend, it wasn't really his son Afterall. (y/n) couldn't blame him, but Sensei Wu hadn't really raised him like the usual child, you know, Toys, playmates, friends, school. (y/n) had none of that, he was home schooled by Wus old friend Mystake, who own's a tea shop in Jamanakai village. 

(y/n) thought for a moment then went inside the monastery to a wooden box that was next to his bed and started going through it. It had things like wooden toys, comics, and training equipment, paper, pens and pencils, crayons, and a picture book. He grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil then started walking around the monastery. As he wandered, he noted the things he would need to buy from Jamanakai village, mostly food and toilet paper. 

"I don't get it, has Sensei trained me for nothing? No that can't be it. But if Zane is the master ice, are Zane and I related somehow? Are we brothers? Cousins? Father and Son? Wait... No" (y/n) went back outside as he counted how much wood and nails he would need to fix the roof while talking to himself at the same time. He sighed as no matter what, he wouldn't get answers that easily. Once he had checked once more if he had written down everything, he left the monastery, closing its doors then making his way down the mountain of impossible height.


"I spy something... white."

The four ninja and Sensei Wu were sailing on a red ship trough the frozen Wasteland. Jay was playing 'I spy' alone while Cole was steering the ship.

"Ugh, could you try to be quiet for once, this ain't easy." Cole scoffed as Jays rambling started getting tiring. Before Jay could answer, the ship hit something as the two tried to keep their balance.

"Ugh... I spy something broken." Jay grunted. Kai was visibly shivering as he talked to Zane on the deck.

"If Sensei knows the way to the next golden weapon, why isn't he steering the ship?! We've been drifting aimlessly for miles"

 "Senseis wisdom is beyond my own" Zane answered as he looked at Wu who was meditating (?) on the bow of the ship. 

"The most powerful move in Spinjitzu can only be accomplished when all four elements are combined. Earth! Ice! Fire! Lightning!" Sensei made poses and spun between each of them. Jay had also come to the deck to see what's going on.

"Uh, what happens when all of them are combined?" Jay asked, leaning to the side of the ship.

"The tornado of creation. The power to create something, out of nothing." Wu ended as Kai jumped and spun around as he tried to copy Senseis moves.

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