The last voyage

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I looked at the demographics of this story, and a lot of you are from North America, but there are a lot from other continents like Europe as well. Alright I'm getting to the point: I'm kinda late on this but... did any of you watch Eurovision this year? If you did, what was your favorite song this year? And don't say your own country, obviously. Some of mine were Armenia and Czechia but my ABSOLUTE favorite has to be Latvia (although they didn't make it past the semifinals)! Also I improvised here, again. And I'm proud of it.

Cole's p.o.v.

The Bounty had landed on the coast, away from Ninjago city. Although it was for nothing, since the stone warriors that had terrorized the city just yesterday had disappeared like a grain of sand in the sea. No one knew where they went. The Bounty's boosters were busted, and while Wu talked with Zane, we were tasked to fix them. I looked up from the back thruster when I heard the caw of Zane's falcon. I stared after it as it flew towards the mysterious island that had just appeared in the distance. I wasn't the only one staring. (y/n) stared after it too, his hands and his (f/c) top stained in oil due to all the working. He gave the mechanic bird a wave and turned back to the booster he was working on. He wasn't a great mechanic like Nya and Jay, but he did know the basics, and tried his best. He wiped sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand, accidentally brushing a stain of oil onto his forehead as well. I quickly called to him.

"(y/n), here." I said and offered him the towel I was using. He gave me a nod as a thank you and wiped his hands clean. Just as he was going to give it back to me, I pointed out the stain on his forehead.

"There's a stain there." I pointed at my own forehead as an example as he let out a sound of realization. He quickly wiped his forehead clean, and only then did I take the towel back.

"Ugh, useless pile of junk!" The moment was cut off by Jay, as one of the front boosters leaked a stream of oil onto his face.

"Oh, it's worse than I feared. The rotors on the starboard booster are completely destroyed. The port boosters are shot from the strain. Oh, sorry guys. She's not getting airborne anytime soon." Nya called to us and shook her head in disappointment. 

"So if the Stone Army attacks again, we're sitting ducks!" I confirmed how bad the situation was as Jay turned to face me.

"Uh, ducks can fly, Cole. Weren't you listening?" I rolled my eyes at him just as Kai hung his upper body down over the Bounty's railing and spoke to us from above.

"We just got our tails handed to us and we couldn't even stop one of them. Ugh, I hate feeling helpless." He groaned just as Sensei Wu and Zane walked back from wherever they were.

"We mustn't give up hope, Kai." Kai stopped moping in an instant and jumped down to us as we all turned to face Wu.

"But the Stone Army is indestructible. You saw it! At best, all my powers could do was slow them down!" Lloyd frowned just before Misako walked to us from behind the Bounty.

"That's not entirely true. There is a way to defeat them. And it is told within the scrolls." Misako spoke and walked inside the Bounty after showing us another scroll she had. I'm starting to wonder exactly how many scrolls fit into that tiny bag of hers. The team and I shared hopeful glances before following her and Wu inside.

"The prophecy reveals that the power to defeat the Stone Army lies within the green ninja." Misako spoke and laid the scroll open on the table. It was odd, since it seemed to be missing the bottom. (y/n) frowned as Lloyd started speaking.

"I tried. I gave them everything I had." Lloyd stated as Misako nodded.

"Yes, but you are stronger than you think. Look. The true power of the Green Ninja can only be unlocked when his protectors find their own pure elemental powers." Oh cool, more powers.

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