The day Ninjago stood still

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Alright, I don't care what you say, but just so you know, I'm a full Misako x Wu supporter. I wouldn't say I ship them, but I dig their relation ship in the show, you know? It's like 90% canon too (at least season one), like????? Haters, come at me! Also I improvised a bit in this chapter, due to the episode kinda being stupid and boring.

"Don't rely on your eyes. Use your ears." Cole instructed the blindfolded Lloyd, who stood in the center of Dareth's dojo while the four others kept him surrounded. Kai, Cole, Zane and Jay pulled out their weapons and began to approach Lloyd quietly. Just then Dareth walked past the bead curtain and stepped into the room.

"Uh, guys, I'm teaching a class later, so I'd appreciate a clean dojo." Sadly, Dareth was ignored, as the five continued training. In the process, Lloyd managed to knocked Jay into Dareth's trophy display.

"Ah! No, no, no! NO, NO, NO!" Dareth shouted and started gathering the trophies into his hands.

"No, no! No! NO!" He panicked once again and rushed to open the window. Jay flew straight out onto the street.

"Aah!" Jay let out as he fell on his back on the road. Dareth couldn't relax yet, as Lloyd used his powers during the training session, and accidentally lit a small green flame on the carpet.

"No, no, no, no!" Dareth quickly extinguished it with his foot before finally sighing in relief. Kai let out an awkward laugh as Jay's shout came in muffled through the window.

"Hey, open the window! LET ME IN!"


Back on the Bounty, Misako and (y/n) walked side by side in the halls of the flying ship as they talked.

"I never knew the prophecy was this complicated." (y/n) shook his head in disbelief, a box filled with scrolls in his arms, while Misako held one of her scrolls related to the prophesy of the Green ninja open in front of her.

"Neither did I, but years of research do show some results. If only those would help at this point." Misako sighed and rolled the scroll closed again. She put it back into her bag, before turning to (y/n) with a hopeful smile.

"But I'm sure Lloyd won't have to fight his father, not ever, or at least not in a long while." Misakos smile spread to (y/n)'s face, but it disappeared once they got to the door of Wus room. (y/n) saw a glimpse of Wu holding a photo in his hands, before walking past the room, while Misako walked in. (y/n) walked past the ninjas and his room, where he spotted a cute dragon plushie sitting on Cole's bed. (y/n) had an urge to go and squeeze it tight, but held it in and continued on. Suddenly (y/n) remembered something, and turned on his heel. He passed by Wus room once more, but stopped upon hearing Misako's voice.

Your p.o.v.

"I should have chosen you." Misako spoke in a soft voice. It wasn't hard to guess who she was talking to. I froze and peeked into the room, just a bit as to not be spotted by the two.

"The past is the past." Sensei Wu said, and turned from where he was facing the wall, to Misako.

"Yes, but there's always the future." Misako smiled at Sensei, and Sensei smiled back. They took a moment and held hands in a pleasant silence. I really wasn't being careful enough, as I took a step backwards, the floor creaked loudly, and the two turned to look at me.

"(y/n)? ...Come here, will you?" Misako spoke in a soft voice again. I didn't dare look up from the floor, where I kept my gaze tensely at my own feet. I only turned my eyes up when I noticed Misako had gently grabbed my hands in hers. She had a pleading smile on her face. A face that said so much even I couldn't interpreter it right away.

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