The Void

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I literally don't know what to say... SECOND UPDATE OF THE YEAR LET'S GOOO!!!! ...Or something like that. 

There was silence. Nothing more, nothing less, just silence. (y/n) gazed out through the small round window of the rocket, before gently pressing his fingers onto the glass. (y/n)'s feet weren't touching the ground anymore, he was just floating.

He hardly blinked as his eyes watched his and the teams home planet thrift far away from them, while the unknown galaxy reached out to pull them closer.

(y/n) was broken out of his concentration as Lloyd bumped into his side, struggling to control his own movement without gravity to keep his feet down. (y/n) too had to try and find his balance again, but he managed to stop himself in time before any more chaos ensued in the silent rocket.

Well, I'm not saying it wasn't chaotic already. Cole, Kai and Zane were struggling to get used to the new space as well, but they weren't as hopeless as Lloyd at least. Random stuff found in the room was floating around as well. the team had to avoid a screwdriver, a flashlight, a wrench, and even a fire extinguisher as they practiced their floating.

It was a great pain to the others, although Jay seemed to quite enjoy it, having already mastered it. There was just one thing he couldn't quite decide on: Weather it felt like he was swimming in the air, or like he was flying under water.

"Is this the greatest thing ever or what?" Jay finally broke the silence as he floated around, kicking his feet leisurely as a smile spread across his face.

"Where are you? We're trapped in space and you-" Kai started, somewhat annoyed by Jay's carefree behavior, before noticing the blue ninja had already disappeared from his view.

"...where did you go?" Jay had swiftly moved through the entire room, and was now moon walking around himself as he continued ranting.

"Guys, we're in space. I thought this is stuff only Fritz Donnegan gets to enjoy." Jay spoke, too excited for his own good.

"Fritz is from a comic book, dude. This is real!" Lloyd commented as he hit his head onto the side of the rocket, letting out a hushed groan afterwards.

"Well, you got me hooked on the character. Would you lighten up and not step on your dreams of being a real Starfarer just yet?" Jay said to the green ninja as he struck a few poses ripped straight from the comic.

If the situation wasn't as severe as it was, (y/n) might have even agreed with Jay. You have to live your childhood to the fullest until it has completely passed... or until it is ripped from you.

"We have to find a way to take control of the ship. If they get the Golden Weapons back to the Overlord, Ninjago doesn't stand much of a chance. Whoa!" Lloyd let out after he spoke as Kai bumped into him, making the still struggling Lloyd struggle even more.

"But there's no access to the rest of the ship. The only way out is through the same airlock we came in." Kai said as Zane spoke up.

"And if my memory banks serve correct, space has a way of taking one's breath away, in the negative sense." He finished his sentence as he turned to look outside the rocket. The team shut up, feeling anxious. Just then the group heard a strange beeping sound

"Enjoy it while you can, Jay, because in five minutes, the entire ship is scheduled to lighten up. The supplemental boosters are set to detach." Zane spoke as he floated over to a screen displaying some sort of timer.

"Uh, I'm a ninja, not an astronaut. What does that mean?" Kai said as he finally seemed to get somewhat in control of his movement.

"The portion of the ship we are currently stationed will soon detach and we will be abandoned in space with it." Zane 'translated' for him when suddenly the timer the ship displayed changed to camera feed of the others back in Ninjago.

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