The Snake King

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The bounty was flying in the sky, with no clouds to be seen, mainly because the clouds were all under the bounty. (y/n) was on the deck, hanging some wet clothes on the drying rack when a ring sounded in his ears. He looked to see the postman flying after the bounty, package in hand.

"Wait! Slow down! I have a package for Sensei Wu!" The postman called.

"Nya! Slow down the bounty for a moment!" (y/n) called out, receiving a "Roger that" as a reply. The postman finally managed to catch up to the bounty and stopped his bike on the deck.

"Phew, Here you go." He said and handed (y/n) the package. 

"Thank you, would you like some water? You must be tired." (y/n) asked and poured a cup of water for the postman who nodded.

"Aah, thank you very much." The post man said, taking the cup from the young ninja's hands and sipping it down swiftly.

"But I must take my leave now, you know, got mail to deliver. Good rest of the day to you young man!" The postman shouted as he paddled away on his flying bike.

"To you too sir!" (y/n) called out and waved to the post man, who soon enough disappeared under the clouds. Holding the box in his hands, he made his way to the dining room, where everyone else had already gathered to eat.

"...Or spit on you with his hallucinatory venom. trust me, bad stuff." Kai was saying to Lloyd when (y/n) arrived in the room, closing the door behind him. Walking over to Sensei Wu, he handed him the package before sitting down next to Jay, to the opposite side from Lloyd.

"Uhh... Uncle, what is the best way to stun a serpentine, if you don't know what kind they are?" Lloyd asked Wu, who sighed.

"Sadly, that would be the sacred flute you five carelessly lost." He said, looking at the ninja.

"He- Hey, no, no, no! We didn't lose it. Pythor stole it!" Jay corrected.

"Whatever the case, without it I fear we have nothing to combat their powers. We may have prevented them from uniting in the past, but they will try again, and one day they will be stronger." Sensei Wu said, while pouring himself a cup of tea.

"Don't worry. I've almost reached my full potential, and when I become the Green ninja, we're not gonna need any magic flute." Cole said confidently.

"You're gonna be the Green Ninja? Hahaha, don't make me laugh." Kai in turn said.

"I thought it was decided that I was destined to become the Green Ninja." Zane said.

"Oh, The only thing decided about you, Zane, is that you're weird." Jay shot back. Soon the four ninja broke into a loud argument while Lloyd stood up from his seat and walked to where Wu was sitting.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. What's in the box?" The boy asked.

"Your new uniforms." Wu said and opened the box. This got the ninja to calm down, as they all started gushing over them.

"Whoa, They got like, armor!

"I love the gold highlights."

"Battle claws!"

"The material is really light and breathable." Everyone was already fully concentrated on their uniforms. Jay, Kai, Cole, and Zane inspected their uniforms. Lloyd looked into the box, but not seeing any other uniforms he asked Wu:

"What about me and (y/n)?" Wu smiled and handed Lloyd an another box, different from the rest. 

"That's for (y/n). Go give it to him, will you?" Wu ushered Lloyd who looked kinda sad before asking:

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