The Day of the Dragon

682 41 53

Finally managed to finish this chapter, took me a bit longer than usual even though it's not that long. Anyways, I got nothing more to say here.

"Yeah! Haha!" Almost everyone was in a great mood. All the Anacondrai cultists had been tied up, so they posed no threat to anyone anymore.

"Sink the ferry. No one's getting off this island." Jay spoke like he was a commander of his own army while the others cheered for him. The Elemental Masters made sure the missing Chen wouldn't be able to get off the island, even if it mean breaking all extra vehicles, leaving only enough for the Elemental Masters and their allies.

"Yeah!" The ninja and the Elemental Masters had thought of the plan together, and were executing it together.

Everyone had their own roles, some kept watch over the cultists, some scouted out the island to find the missing villains. 

Lloyd sat on the ground, (y/n) and Zane kneeling behind him. (y/n) held a part of Lloyd's hair away from a spot on the back of his head with a rather ugly wound that Zane was currently disinfecting. 

Lloyd had gotten a bunch of bruises from his fight with Chen, and he had even hit his head hard on the match bracket, which was what had caused this particular wound.

Thankfully the Green Ninja was fine, but the ninja weren't taking any chances of letting the wound infect.

Lloyd kept a straight face, and didn't let out a peep, but (y/n) could see the wound was still hurting from the way Lloyd flinched even when Zane cleansed it with careful hands.

Kai stood nearby, somewhat zoned out and staring off into space. (y/n) still wondered what Kai was going to ask of him. (y/n) would ask if he got the chance.

But Kai's worries seemed to fade, and his face turned to one of hope as Cole jogged over to the four others, Jay following close behind him.

"The palace and sleeping quarters are all clear. Still no sign of Chen and Clouse." Cole said as (y/n) stood up, Zane finishing up the treatment on Lloyd's wound before he and Lloyd followed (y/n)'s example.

"What about Skylor?" Kai asked, but Cole just looked away, not able to give Kai a good answer.

Kai's mood immediately dropped again, and Lloyd hurried over to his side to comfort him.

"She wasn't able to pick her family, but she was able to pick her friends. And since you're her friend, that means so are we. We'll find her." 

"He's right. With no way off the island, it'll only be a matter of time." Cole joined in as Kai gave the two a thankful smile. 

That's when Garmadon walked over to the group from another direction.

"I'm proud of you six. You've done what the original Elemental masters never could: stick together." The whole group smiled, and so did Garmadon, but he still kept up a serious attitude, and quickly turned his expression back to neutral.

"But you must not rest on your laurels, for your guard is down when you sleep."


Behind Chen's palace, the ninja had left a few vehicles and the Roto Jet in case of emergency. Even the D.B Express was parked there, Nya sitting inside as she talked with Wu and Misako on a video call.

"The island is secure. We destroyed the elemental staff and Chen's attempt to turn his army into Anacondrai has rolled up snake eyes." She explained the situation as the two adults on the other side nodded along.

"Good work, Nya." Wu complimented first.

"How is Zane?" And Misako asked second, as Nya thought for a second.

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