The Surge

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I have no idea what Cole's actual last name is. I'mma just say it's Brookstone for now. Also WE'RE BACK!!! Of course I've been writing my other books all this while, but now I finally managed to update this again! I have planned out which way this season will play out, and I have gotten the motivation to continue this book again! If you have any questions, ask away.

"The ultimate battle. The battle that would end all battles. It feels like ages ago blah blah blah. After the Golden Ninja defeated the Overlord, much of Ninjago City was in ruin. It was a time to reflect on our past blah blah, and build for our future. Ninjago City soon became New Ninjago City. And it became the center of great technological advancements blah blah... But without an enemy to fight blah blah blah, the age of the ninja came to an end." Kai explained as the old tape replayed old footage of the building of New Ninjago City. Suddenly the tape switched to footage of someone as he approached a shower with the camera in hand, as sounds of someone singing came from behind the shower curtain. The reflection of the bathroom mirror showed Jay carrying the camera as the singing suddenly stopped and Kai, wearing a shower cap peeked out from past the shower curtains.

"Hey! How about a little privacy, you-?" The clip suddenly stopped as Kai tried to cut the tape off. The classroom full of children laughed as Kai struggled to do his job.

"Whoa! This isn't supposed to be in here. Lights please!" Someone turned on the lights as the tape suddenly fell and rolled away from Kai.

"Ugh! Seriously?" Kai groaned when suddenly a student from another class burst through the classroom door.

"Come quick! Mr. Zane's on the fritz!" Most of the classroom immediately got up and followed the students to another room.

"Up. No, down. Whoa!" Zane struggled to say anything as his body went haywire on the teachers table.

"What's going on here?!" Cole called as he burst into the classroom.

"Brad got an ultra remote from New Ninjago City and it's controlling Mr. Zane." One of the students explained as Brad messed with remote currently controlling Zane. Cole sighed and took the remote from Brad before turning to Zane.

"How do you turn this thing off?" He asked as he tried shutting the remote controller down.

"Hurry up, Cole. My liquid spirit- level is making me- less level." Zane spoke as Cole finally groaned in frustration and smashed the remote, finally freeing Zane from its control. 

"Mr. Cole is the worst." Brad grumbled as Zane sighed in relief.

"I heard that." Cole said when the school bell rang, and forgetting everything else, the kids ran out to the school yard. Cole let out a sigh as he sunk to the floor as Zane copied his actions.

"Unh! Ah, recess. My favorite time."

:D  (I know y'all missed this guy)

Your p.o.v.

"Be careful! Stay on school grounds! Hey, no, don't hit each other!" I called to students going by me from left and right, the chaos was hard to contain, but i did my best. I kept watch while the rest of our team were on their break. That was mainly because I am surprisingly loved by the students ever since I was first introduced to them by the team, and also because I don't mind watching over the students.

"Mr. (y/n)! Mr. (y/n)!" I suddenly heard a small voice call to me. I turned around to see a group of kids running towards me, and gather around my feet, tugging on my pants lightly.

"Mr. (y/n)! Can we see your powers again?" A little girl asked as I squat down to their level. Now would be a good time to say why I am so popular. It was because I have powers, and the others didn't. The elemental blades and everyone else's elemental powers disappeared in a flash when the Overlord was defeated, yet the powers of wind I had suddenly gained were still there.

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