Extra #2 - Amusement park day

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I got an idea for another thing, but again, it doesn't hit into the story. This time, I like to think of it as canon, but again, I have no idea when this would have happened, because the Bounty is still here??? This does NOT count as the weekly update.

"Come on! It isn't that hard!" Jay said as he, Kai and Zane tried to push Cole towards (y/n). Cole pushed against them while panicking inside. (y/n), clueless of what was happening behind him, was taking down dry laundry from the laundry line and folding them neatly into a basket.

"Yes! It! Is!" Cole whisper shouted to the three. 

"(y/n) will, with 99.9% certainty, agree." Zane said as he pushed on Cole's back a little harder.

"Agh, you three won't stop until I do, right?" Cole asked and glanced at the three over his shoulder. The three ninja all had innocent smiles plastered on their faces and nodded in agreement as Cole groaned. He stopped resisting and walked up to (y/n). He opened his mouth to speak but when he didn't know exactly what to say, he closed it again. This repeated a few times before Cole finally managed to say something.

"H-hey, (y/n)?" He said as the (f/c) ninja turned around to face him.

"Cole, do you need something?

"Well, now that there is some spare time for us, perhaps we could go to Mega Monster amusement again?" Cole suggested as (y/n) smiled.

"Thank you."


"For remembering your promise. Shall we go today?" (y/n) asked Cole nodded.

"That's good, but I still have some things to do, and I have to get ready with Lloyd, would an hour do?" (y/n) questioned as Cole nodded again. Then he stopped.


"Yes, Lloyd, you promised to take him with us next time, right?" (y/n) reminded Cole, who soon remembered his words and nodded again with a small "Mmh." (y/n) turned back to finish folding the laundry while Cole turned around and walked to where the three others had been spying on them the whole time.

"See, it went just fine." Kai said and patted Cole's shoulder.


Cole went and changed his clothes before looking himself up and down in the mirror. He combed through his hair neatly before ruffling it back to a messy black fluff instead. He walked out when he heard (y/n)'s voice from Lloyd's room.

"Lloyd, it's just sunscreen, I'll only put a little-" (y/n), who was now wearing (outfit of choice), was crouching next to Lloyd, who twisted his head every which way as (y/n) tried to smear sun screen on his face.

"No! I don't need it!"

"Yes you do. Stay still, or I'll accidentally poke your eye." (y/n) said as Lloyd finally calmed a little. (y/n) put some sun screen on the tip of Lloyds nose and a bit on his cheeks.

"See, it wasn't so bad, was it?"

"No... Sorry I acted like a brat again." Lloyd apologized as (y/n) shook his head with a smile.

"It is fine, now, let's go find Cole." (y/n) said, and turned around. He jumped upon realizing Cole was in the door way, before throwing the earth ninja a kind smile. 

"Ah, you're already here. Let's go." (y/n) said again as Cole smiled back and walked to the deck. The bounty was near Mega Monster amusement park already, and the three climbed down the anchor to get down just in front of the amusement park gates.

"Wah! (y/n), (y/n)! I wanna go there!" Lloyd said as jumped up and down excitedly while pointing at the giant roller coaster. (y/n) chuckled and motioned for Lloyd to go ahead as he and Cole walked after the boy in a slower pace. Lloyd jumped up and down as he ran towards the roller coaster. From the outside (y/n) looked almost as calm as Cole, but every now and then he would let out small gasps, walk backwards or spin on his heels as he looked around.

"Hey, look at that." (y/n) called to Cole, who turned to look at what (y/n) was pointing at. It was a small movie theater which was showing an animation movie in 4D. 

"You wanna go see that?" Cole asked. (y/n) nodded and added a quick "Let's go see it later" before the two walked after Lloyd.

"Hurry up, hurry!" Lloyd ushered the two to speed up their walking as they neared the roller coaster. Lloyd took (y/n)'s hand and dragged him to the roller coaster with a smile. The line wasn't long, and they managed to get to the front rows. Cole sat behind (y/n) and Lloyd, who sat together in the very front. The ride started up slow, but suddenly sped up without a warning. Cole sat quietly smiling as the two in front of him laughed with their hands in the air as if they were both the same age.

Afterwards, the group decided to go to a few more rides before heading to the 4D movie theater. The movie was a Kung-Fu animation movie with a panda as the main character. Lloyd bounced up and down as (y/n) bought them their tickets. (y/n) handed Lloyd his ticket before the boy sped into the theater faster than lightning. (y/n) giggled again as he quickly glanced at Cole, before taking the earth ninja's hand and dragging him into the theater. Lloyd waved his hands at the two who walked in the two seats next to Lloyd's.

Lloyd watched with absolute concentration while (y/n) and Cole would jump at the small water drops spraying on them, or wind breezing past their heads. At one point a gust of air blew into their ankles. Lloyd's legs were to short and didn't reach the floor, so he didn't notice it at all. Cole flinched in surprise before chuckling quietly when he noticed (y/n) had pulled his feet up to the height of his seat in surprise, before warily placing them back down.

The rest of the movie went by like a breeze, and soon they were back out in the natural breeze of the amusement park. Cole pointed to a candy stall further away as Lloyd perked up.

"No, we still haven't eaten dinner, we can't just skip to-" (y/n) was going to object, but faster than lightning, Cole and Lloyd rushed to the candy stall with bright smiles on their faces. (y/n) heaved a sigh before digging out some money from his wallet and following the two. He ended up getting the three a lot of candy, perhaps a bit too much, as Lloyd started being even more hyper active than usual, the two teens probaply getting affected later on. Lloyd dragged (y/n) to another ride right after as Cole chased after the two. Lloyd pulled them into the line of the spinning tea cups with a smile. Lloyd stepped into one of the tea cups, and (y/n) was going to follow, but Lloyd stopped him.

"(y/n), I wanna go alone for once, please?" Lloyd asked politely, and (y/n) couldn't refuse, and instead went into a different cup with Cole. (y/n) cast a few glances at Lloyd until the ride took off. Cole could lift a car, which didn't limit the speed he could make the cup spin. Lloyd struggled to spin his tea cup, while (y/n) was struggling to not slide on his seat as Cole spun the cup as fast as he could. Halfway through the ride, (y/n) started giggling as all the sugar finally started getting to him. Cole looked up to the male opposite of him, who was trying to get rid of the small strands of hair blocking his vision with a heavenly bright smile. With out realizing it, Cole gave the wheel one fast spin that made (y/n) finally slide from his place opposite of Cole, all the way to Cole's side. (y/n)'s shoulder bumped into Cole's, as the earth ninja looked at the sugar high male with a smile. Cole couldn't take his eyes off the giggling boy even if he tried, and instead spun the ride faster, feeling (y/n)'s weight on his shoulder increasing as the beat of his heart increased to same amount. The giggling lessened, but still continued after the ride stopped, and Cole had to drag (y/n) to sit down for a breather.

"Cole, Cole! Come spin the cup for me!" Lloyd tugged on Cole's sleeve while pointing back to the tea cups with his other hand.

"You spun the cup for (y/n) soooooooo fast! I want that too!" Lloyd smiled as Cole turned to face (y/n), who cleared his throat as he finally started to calm down.

"Go on, I'll take a breather here, other wise I might..." (y/n) decided to not say the end and instead waved to Cole and Lloyd, who headed back to the tea cups. He leaned back before raising his gaze to the sky, where birds glided past the slowly advancing clouds in the blue sky. A peaceful smile crept onto (y/n)'s face along with the sight of the smile Cole had showed him on the ride. He hadn't seen it before. But (y/n) wasn't going to waste any time thinking on it, as Cole and Lloyd approached him with fast footsteps. Little did (y/n) know, that Cole's smile had always been there, always facing towards him from behind.

Words: 1474

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