The Green Ninja

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Uhh, remember when (y/n) said some shit to Zane about them being brothers? Yeah uh, I regret writing that, now I'm struggling because of it, but I'll get to fix it in later chapters, uh, probably. Also, I hate this episode, it has so many time skips and jumps from place to place, that it makes it hard to write. Despite of that, I think I did a fairly good job of making it work. But I still hate it. >:(

It was dark, and silence filled the deck as the ninja trained. Cole, Jay and Zane attacked the Serpentine dummy. A few swift moves from each of the ninja, and the dummies were down. The lights turned on, as Nya looked down to them. She looked around before speaking up.

"Good training. Your powers are getting stronger. But where's Kai?"

"Fire! Unlock Fire! Uh, Fire go! Shoot flames! Oh, come on. Everyone else can do it. So can you. BRING HEAT!" Kai did kicks and punches and push ups while letting shouting out. He had in fact found the green ninja suit. Actually, he found two, but the other one was too small, so he didn't even try it on. He posed in front of the mirror before the reflection of his friends laughing accompanied his own.

"Very nice. Perhaps if you tried the phrase 'Fire dork,' maybe it might work." Cole laughed as Kai turned around to face him, Jay and Zane.

"How long have you all been watching?" Kai asked after pulling off the green ninja mask, but he got ignored as Jay spoke up.

"The Green Ninja suit. That's awesome!" Jay geeked out as he looked at the suit Kai was wearing.

"Well, I was looking for some kind of clue from Sensei and then I found this." Kai said and motioned to the suit.

"But you know only he who is foretold to face Lord Garmadon is destined to be the Green Ninja, and only he should wear the Green Ninja outfit. You should be grateful we didn't tell (y/n) about this, otherwise he and Sensei would most likely be very-" Zane was saying when Kai cut him off.

"I know, I know. But I thought if I just tried it on, it might help me see my True Potential. It's not fair that you guys have unlocked your cool powers and I still haven't." Kai explained.

"Besides, Sensei's gone and we don't know when he's coming back-" Kai was saying when the sound of a door opening was heard from the main deck.

"Hello? I'm home." Wu's voice sounded from the deck as Jay, Cole and Zane rushed to meet him.

"Sensei!" The three yelled as Kai panicked, before going to change.

"Ah. It's so good to be home." Wu sighed when Jay, Zane, Cole and Nya were on the deck.

"So glad you're back." Zane said.

"Did you bring us anything?" Cole asked as Jay started talking.

"Oh, Sensei, have you missed a lot. Zane's a Nindroid, Nya's the mysterious Samurai, Cole's a dancer-" Jay was ranting before Wu cut him off.

"Zane is a...what?" Wu qustioned before Zane spoke again.

"You've been gone a while. We'll catch you up later. But you should know, all of us except for Kai have discovered our True Potential." Wu rubbed his beard with an impressed smile before he spoke.

"Have you now? Where are (y/n) and Kai?" Wu asked upon not noticing the two he mentioned.

"(y/n) is sleeping, he's been working some hard workdays and hasn't slept that well. But now he's all done with work, and we decided together to not wake him up as a thank you gift for working hard, and all that." Nya explained as the other three nodded along.

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