The Invitation

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WE ARE BACK!!! Well, of course I've been updating my other books the whole time, but you know what I mean! This chapter and the next one are both going to be a bit longer than usual, so make sure to leave lots of comments!!!

It was close call after close call. Lloyd dodged the Nindroid attacks while defeating them swiftly. But even having spent his all to reach the goal, he was left hanging by a rope as he tried to reach out to the fake version of the Golden Armour.

Lloyd sighed as the hologram disappeared and the green ninja flopped down onto the ground, before jumping up as he turned to face Cyrus Borg and Sensei Wu.

"You got closer than I thought you would. But then again, I didn't think you'd be quite so rough on my security droids." Cyrus spoke, but Lloyd didn't get his implications at all, instead speaking up as he helped the man in the wheelchair as they headed towards the exit of the testing room.

"If I can't steal the Golden Armor, I'd be surprised if anyone else could. It's secure, but where is the real one?" Lloyd asked as Cyrus Borg cracked a small smile and answered the green ninja.

"Some secrets are best kept safe."

"Lloyd, where are the other ninja? I asked for all of you to take part in this test." Wu asked as Lloyd's expression turned into a hesitant one.

"Uh, they, uh, they really wanted to be here, but they, uh...all had other plans." Lloyd knew that all he had said were lies, no one had anything important that would go over the test. No one just wanted to come.

"I understand perfectly well. The loss of Zane has affected us all. I haven't even heard a word from my assistant Pixal since his memorial. It's heartbreaking." Cyrus sighed as Wu walked closer to the two others.

"If we dwell too long on what's missing, we fail to see what can be gained. The absence of Zane will either tear you five apart or bring you closer together. The choice is yours." Wu said as Lloyd turned to him.

"I'll do what I can, but it won't be easy." Lloyd acknowledged as Wu gave him a smile.

"The greatest lessons never are." Wu added on lastly as he continued walking with Cyrus Borg and Lloyd left onto his own mission.


The Most Ultimate Extreme Ninja Challenge Ever!!!!" A crowd which anyone would be jealous of shouted as Jay, his hair slicked back with gel while wearing a fancy and colorful suit, stepped on stage.

"I'm Jay, Ninjago's most lovable ninja, here before the Gauntlet of Humility to see who will be Ninjago's next hero, and whose dreams will be gone, in a flash!" Jay spoke into his microphone before throwing it to the side, before taking off into the air by using his lightning powers.

The crowd cheered and clapped as Jay flew up onto a platform set on the left side 

"I'm here with Cathy, tireless mother of four, pillar of the PTA, and returning contestant." Jay introduced the lady wearing a pink helmet to the crowd.

"Tell me, Cathy, after being humbled by the Gauntlet the first time, what makes you think this'll be any different?" Jay questioned before turning the mic to Cathy.

"Because ninja never quuuuuuit!!" The lady yelled into the mic as the crowd cheered again. Jay let out a laugh before stepping away from her and jumping down back on the stage.

"Okay, Cathy. Start the doomsday clock!" Jay called out as an electric clock lit up on the wall. Cathy was quick to start the obstacle course, but only after ten seconds, she fell down as a buzz signaled her failure.

The crowd gasped as Jay rushed to Cathy, but before he could even ask if she was okay, she had already jumped up.

"Heh, I got farther than last time!" She yelled again, and the entire crowd cheered out the loudest through the entire night. Jay laughed and thanked Cathy before rushing to go back stage.

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