part 9. stupid boyfriend

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so far, today has been quiet. music store pretty much empty all day. violet has been sorting through vinyls, cds, sitting at the counter waiting for customers. as of now, it's the afternoon and the quietest part of this day.

violet's phone dings, a text notification. the first exciting thing to happen today. she picks it up, seeing it's from ashton, a smile already growing on her face.

hey! haven't talked for a little, how are you doing?

hi :) i'm good, just suffering a boring day at the store haha. how are you?

i'm good! are you sure you're alright?

violet stares down at the text for a few minutes. of course she's fine, why would he think otherwise. she didn't understand why he'd think she isn't okay.

"aunt lisa!" violet calls out to the back room, her aunt quickly appearing with a box of cassettes. "did you tell ashton about me being upset last week?"

"you mean after your call with sophia?" she questions, violet nods. "no, of course not sweetie, he asked after you a few days ago but i told him you were fine. why do you ask?"

"oh, ashton just texted me to ask how i am, and when i said i'm good he asked if i'm sure," violet turns back to her phone, lisa shrugging her shoulders. "maybe it's because i haven't texted him all week."

"you better text him back then, hadn't you." lisa walks past the counter, going down one of the isles to start re stocking another shelf.

i'm sure, i'm all good :)

i'm gonna come over to the store soon, do you have time to grab coffee?

yea, absolutely! the store's been quiet today so i'm sure my aunt won't mind

great! i'll see you in 20 :)

violet places her phone in the pocket of her black harry styles hoodie. another artist she is very fond of, one of the few artists she actually buys merch clothes from.

she gets up, walking to the second rack of cassettes where her aunt went, finding her almost finished with sorting through the box she brought out not long ago. lisa looks up with a smile.

"uh, ashton said he's coming down here soon," violet tells lisa. "and he asked if it was okay for me to go out for coffee. but if you need me to stay and—"

"you can go, violet. you don't need to ask me first." lisa shakes her head. "you don't work here remember?"

she laughs, violet chuckling. she backs up to leave the isle, remembering she needs to grab her bag from her apartment.

"i need to get my stuff from my apartment, could you let ashton know i won't be long if he gets here before i'm back?"

lisa nods, then going back to her sorting. violet leaves the store, quickly walking back to her apartment which she's still very thankful isn't far from here.

as she walks, she still wonders why ashton didn't seem to think she's okay? she hadn't posted anything online or texted to say otherwise so why on earth would he think that?

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