part 25. bad luck comes in threes

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"you wanna go camping?" luke asks.

ashton walks up to the counter, grabbing his coffee, taking a quick sip before he walks back to luke to leave starbucks.

"yea, what's wrong with camping?" ashton squints at the bright sunlight above them.

"i don't think camping in the winter is a good idea, ash." luke tells him, already knowing his answer is a no. "i doubt cal and mike will wanna camp outside in the cold either."

"it won't be cold, i always bring a ton of blankets." ashton reasons with his friend. "plus i'll be in my jeep, it's normally not too cold like that."

"we usually go in summer, when it's warm," they turn a corner, heading towards the music store.

"sunsets are prettier in winter," ashton frowns, he'd hoped to be going with his friends this time. "and the sunrises are breathtaking, you're missing out, dude."

"why don't you ask violet?" luke opens the door, walking inside the music store.

lisa sits at the counter, serving a customer. ashton glances around the store first, not seeing violet anywhere. maybe she's not here today.

"do you think she'd like camping?" ashton questions, not sure if she seems like the kinda person to want to camp.

they start walking over to the counter once the customer is gone. violet walks out of the store room. carrying two rather large boxes. so large, they can't even see her face behind them. 

"aunt lisa," she says, muffled behind the boxes. "these are a little— shit!"

violet stumbles forwards out of the store room, boxes flying out of her hands as she falls flat on the floor. only just putting her hands down in time to stop her face from hitting the ground. she lets out a loud groan, a painful groan.

"violet!" lisa rushes over to her. "are you okay, honey? i didn't realize they would be that heavy."

she gives a thumbs up, glancing up after seeing a pair of doc marten boots to her right. her eyes widen. ashton quick to place his drink down on the counter, leaning down to violet with his hand out to help her up.

she grabs on, pulling herself up off of the floor. she moves her ankle around, wincing slightly at the motion.

"are you alright? does it hurt?" ashton asks, she looks up at him, shaking her head as a no. "the look on your face says something else."

"yea, it says i'm being a klutz today." she lets go of ashton's hand, walking towards the other side of the store, making sure she can walk okay. "all good, only hurts a little."

"are you sure?" ashton watches as she walks back towards them, worried she's hurt.

she nods, "just having an unlucky day." she chuckles. "first i got stuck in the elevator coming down here, and now this."

"well, you know what they say," luke folds his arms. "bad luck comes in threes."

"that makes me feel so much better, thanks luke."

she sits down on one of the stalls by the counter, almost not wanting to move incase something else happens to her.

"maybe you could come to mike's place with us," ashton suggests. "i'm sure nothing bad will happen there."

"yea?" violet turns to lisa, waiting for confirmation, a quick nod. "yea."

violet stands up again, following luke towards the door. ashton picks his cup up from the counter, lisa holding him back for a moment.

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