part 72. rush

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the day before travelling to another state or country is always stressful. well, to violet it is.

they spent most of the day packing whatever clothes they want to bring with them to ohio, using two separate large cases. they'd been texting with their friends who have been doing the same thing in preparation for their flight tomorrow afternoon.

violet was sure she'd been feeling okay. packing did go well, they got everything sorted, shirts, jeans, sweatpants, hoodies and jackets all in their bags along with any toiletries they'll need. they were finished before dinner.

they ordered takeout for dinner, something they could just throw out before leaving. pizza to share, plus cheesy fries that violet wanted too. they had a couple of glasses of wine together, enjoying this day before going to violet's hometown.

by the time it hit midnight, they're all ready for bed, snuggled up under the covers together. violet's head resting on ashton's chest, his arm around her hugging her close. both happy as can be.

so, the last thing violet expected, is to be waking up in the early hours of the morning, shivering, feeling sweaty, a feeling in her chest that she isn't used to. it's not what she wanted at all. not on the night before they're leaving for ohio.

she frantically rolls onto her back, shoving ashton's arm off of her to see if it's just the fact that ashton is a radiator next to her that's making her so sweaty. that wouldn't explain the shivering though.

a sudden wave of fear takes over her once she realizes she can't feel herself breathing as she normally would be. taking in short but fast breaths, causing her head to spin. something isn't right.

she throws the blankets off of herself, quickly standing up from the bed. she makes her way as quietly as she can to leave the room, pulling the door almost closed behind her and over to the bathroom opposite.

she shuts the door, leaning against the counter to take a good look at herself. face flushed red, hair a mess, teary eyes. now the sensation of not being able to get enough air in, accompanied by a strange pain starting to form in her chest. feeling as though it's getting worse as each second goes by.

she closes her eyes for a moment, head dropping down as she tells herself to breathe, to get a grip, that she's fine. she's at home with ashton. everting is alright.

she's too worked up this time, she can hardly hear herself think.

opening her eyes, looking to the mirror again, it's as if she's been on a rollercoaster, the room spinning. she falls to the side almost instantly, trying to find something to hold. she reaches for the counter, knocking over her skin care bottles along with some of ashton's items in the process. the glass that their toothbrushes were sitting in ending up falling over and rolling onto the floor, causing a loud smash as it breaks on the ground.

as she goes down, she hits the side of her jaw on the counter, letting out a loud wince. tears start to flow down her cheeks, breathing turning into gasps, pain in her chest getting worse and worse and worse.

the glass smashing woke ashton up immediately. it takes a few moments for him to take in his surroundings, opening his eyes to see violet isn't in bed with him. that's when he knows something isn't right.

the first thing he sees is that the bedroom door is slightly open. he rushes out of bed, taking long strides to get to the door to pull it open. he looks across the hall, seeing the bathroom light is on, as well as hearing movement from inside.

"violet?" he calls from behind the door.

no answer. he pushes the door open slowly, looking to the counter first, seeing everything knocked over, next the glass on the floor. that's what the smashing noise was. and then... blood on the edge of the counter. why is there blood?

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