part 17. vibes are immaculate

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waking up in a bed that's not your own isn't always an issue. however, when you're half asleep, glancing around at the room you happen to have slept in, not recognising a single thing in front of you.. it can be kind of scary.

there's a window to the left of the bed, a desk opposite with some paper dotted around. a guitar leaning against the wall, some pictures up around the walls, and finally, a wardrobe near the door.

after seeing the pictures, violet can only assume she's still at ashton's house. barely remembering falling asleep here. she does remember being extremely tired though, not being able to finish watching the end of home alone.

she slowly sits herself up, rubbing her eyes before focusing fully on the fact she's slept over at ashton's house. she looks around the bed for her phone, not finding it, searching over on the bedside table.. she frowns, fresh coffee standing there with what looks like a small note underneath.

she picks up the cup, taking a sip of the coffee, sighing once she gets the signature taste of caffeine. definitely what she needs right now. she holds the piece of paper in the other hand, scanning over the neatly written note.

good morning! i hope you slept okay! you fell asleep last night, didn't want to wake you up. before you worry, it was no problem at all for you to stay here. come down when you're ready :) - ash x

violet smiles at the sweet note, she puts the coffee down, deciding on slipping her hoodie on before going downstairs.

she cautiously holds her coffee in hand as she leaves the bedroom, glancing down the hall before heading down the staircase. reaching the living room, violet slowly opens the door, seeing ashton drinking some coffee himself.

he looks up as he hears the door open, "hey, good morning," he smiles, placing his coffee down on the table. "did you sleep okay?"

"yea, i slept perfect." she smiles, sitting herself down as she notices a few pillows and a blanket that weren't here last night. "did you sleep down here?"

"oh, yea, i did," he tells her. "i was going to sleep up there, but i didn't wanna wake you up to ask if you would've been okay with me sleeping in bed with you."

almost not believing that is truly the reason why, this is the moment she realises how kind ashton is. he let her stay over, in his house, to sleep in his bed, and yet, he still wouldn't sleep in that same bed if it meant making violet uncomfortable.

"well, um, thank you for that. i appreciate that you would've asked." she takes another sip of her coffee, it slowly beginning to go cold. "and thank you for letting me stay over, you really didn't have to."

"don't worry about it, i wouldn't have made you leave when you were so tired." he smiles again as he stands up. "but now you are up, would you like some breakfast?"

"as long as you let me help," she places her coffee down, standing up with him. but he frowns. "please, as a thank you for staying here."

over the past months, he's understood that she likes helping out to give her thanks. like at her aunts store, she's helping out there to thank lisa for helping her with moving to california. how could he say no? he doesn't say no, something along the lines of it though.

"you don't need to help, violet. i don't mind you being here, it's fine." he tries reasoning with her as they walk into the kitchen. "will an omelet be okay? with some toast?"

"how about this," she leans against the counter. "you cook the omelettes, i'll make the toast."

he chuckles, finally agreeing, "okay fine," he grabs the bread from one of the cabinets next to the fridge, passing it to violet. "toaster is over there."

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