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sitting in the busy airport, violet davenport couldn't wait to get on her flight to california. more specifically, her flight to los angeles. she's already waiting at her gate to be called up to get on the plane, fidgeting with anticipation of what it'll be like once she reaches the city of angels. or, as her aunt calls it, the city of arrogance.

violet will be seeing her aunt, lisa, for the first time since she was ten years old. having only met her a few times in person, speaking with her mostly over video call. parents not too happy with the thought of going to california. strange, i know, she and violet's uncle were never happy about not being able to see their niece. however, now lisa would get to see her, and she'd be staying.

leaving ohio is the bravest thing violet has ever done. she's always relied on other people. first her parents, never being confident enough to live on her own, second her best friend sophia, always going to her for help when she needs it, and finally, her ex boyfriend nathan, being by his side most days, expecting too much from him, for it all to end in tears and heartbreak.

going to california would do her some good. a break from seeing anyone she knows. a fresh start in a place she's never lived in before, a chance to start over, maybe meet new people, make some new friends. she couldn't wait to get started on her new life.

"flight aa 2489 to los angeles now boarding, please make your way to gate 52." an announcement came through on the speakers from a woman who is standing behind the desk of the gate.

violet stands up, placing her bag on her back, phone in her pocket as well as sliding her headphones around her neck. she walks over to the gate, greeting one of the workers there who scan her boarding pass and check her passport.

after trading one last smile, she's off down the hall leading to the plane. a giddy feeling in her belly making her slightly nauseous, a mixture of nerves and excitement.

only five hours to go. five hours until she can see her aunt, five hours until she can start over, have a new slate. no worries about her life anymore, no worries about stupid boys and romance. she's doing this to make herself happy, this was it.

time to start over.


hi guys!! here's a proper welcome to my haze fan fic!

the intros/prologue is always the hardest to write (for me) but i eventually got it right lol.

super excited to be writing my first ashton fic. hope you guys enjoy! part 1 coming soon :)

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