part 83. birthday boy*

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almost one month later. one month after coming home from ohio. one month of conversations about the idea to move into one of the houses on the beach. violet was first to spark the idea, ashton found it easy to agree.

for the past three weeks, they've been figuring out their money situation, putting together what they both have to know what their budget would be for buying a house.

ashton had done some research into what houses were for sale. a few sitting along the sidewalk that looks over the beach, some of the more expensive ones that have actual walkways down to the sand. there were lots to choose from.

violet and ashton had gone to look around four different houses that are for sale. starting around the middle of their budget. they talked over everything, figuring out it would be harder than they originally thought it would be to find the perfect place.

ashton went home that day to do some more research on other beach houses, violet went over to her aunt's music store. thinking it might help to distract her for a while, rather than being stressed about not finding the perfect house.

it got to a point where they were going to have to put a pause on house searching as ashton's birthday had quickly been approaching. so fast in fact, it's the day before his birthday already.

violet has been non stop texting with their friends in a separate group chat that doesn't include ashton. so nothing gets spoiled. they've been planning things over the past week, figuring out ways to surprise him.

violet is sitting curled up on the couch in the living room after eating dinner while ashton is clearing some things up in the kitchen, she takes this time as an opportunity to more easily plan things.

so, if one of you could get him out of the house in the morning, i'll have time to set up everything i bought

i can handle that
i'll text him to ask if he'll come to breakfast

i could come over and help you set up?

that would actually be super helpful if you don't mind


i'll set up the birthday things we're taking camping tomorrow night, make sure all the lights work

sounds perfect!
is that everything?

think so

yea that's everything!

alright, i'll see you guys tomorrow :)

"baby," violet hears ashton as he makes his way from the hall to the living room. "calum asked if i wanted to get a birthday breakfast with him in the morning, i'll say no if you had other plans."

"you can get breakfast with cal," violet smiles. "i can make you coffee for when you wake up instead of a whole cooked meal."

"are you sure?"

"course, baby," violet nods her head. "i'll get the whole rest of the day with you until we go camping anyways."

"okay," he goes to text back. "i'll be done in a few minutes, then we can do whatever."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26 ⏰

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