Chapter 1 - Look For Her

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*Third Person's POV*

Seoul, South Korea.

Lilli Kim, managing director of Kim Corp., second daughter of Kim Dae-young and Lee Min-jae. Born on September 8th, Lilli is now 26 years old which makes her the youngest CEO in the South Korean Corporate world. She is known for her coldness, short temper, and bold moves which made her climb up the corporate ladder. Once meeting its downfall, Kim Corp. made its way back to the top position solely because of Lilli's hard work.

She is loved and respected by many, but she's an estranged member of her family. She has an elder sister, Jisoo who loves Lilli to death, but is scared of her. She also has a twin brother Liam, who is the odd one in the family. As the son, the company was supposed to be taken over by him, but due to his insufficiency, Lilli took over. She has never made any public appearances -- her parents are still the face of the company -- so her face was a mystery to the people in South Korea but almost everyone in the country knew her name.

Though most people around her want Lilli to be safe, there are some people who wish to see the ruins of Kim Corp. or rather Lilli Kim.

It was just another day in the life of Lilli Kim. From meeting to meeting, her day passed as usual. The last one however she had was not in her office, it was in a remote resort on the outskirts of Seoul and as usual, Lilli drove herself. Usually, she would have her most trusted henchmen Cha Dal-gun or Gi Tae-woong with her when she leave for meetings away from her office, but that day she went alone. They were not just her bodyguards. They have Lilli known since she was in middle school. They were both indebted to Lilli for their life due to different reasons. So, when they lost Lilli's phone signal and when Lilli didn't return by the time she said she would, Dal-gun went looking for her. Luckily,  he was able to find her before the truck did much damage to her car. The driver and the vehicle disappeared while Lilli went into a coma.

Her worth was millions per minute. She had enemies even within the company and if Lilli is not there, the evils will work together to collapse the empire that Lilli built shedding her blood and soul. And there are people who'd try to make use of her disappearance. Dal-gun and Tae-woong had only one option: to hide the fact that Lilli is in a coma. They covered up everything that might give anyone a hint of Lilli's sudden disappearance with the help of Lilli's secretary and friend Minnie. Those three, the Doctor, Baek Yerim, and a few others present in the operation room were the ones aware of Lilli's condition and their silence was bought with a hefty sum.

The actual problem was what to do if Lilli don't wake up anytime soon. The maximum amount of time they could handle the situation in the absence of Lilli was five days. While Dr. Baek spend her time doing everything in her power, Dal-gun and Tae-woong, went to look for alternate options.

It was two days after the incident that, Tae-woong called the other three for an urgent meeting. Dr. Baek confirmed that there was no improvement in Lilli's condition and that she can't say anything about when she will wake up.

"We are going to have to replace Lilli," Tae-woong announced as Dr. Baek finished talking.

"What the hell are you saying? Replace her?" Dal-gun was furious.


"What do you mean? How can we replace her? With whom?" Minnie spoke, not understanding what he truly meant.

All of them were seated. Tae-woong got up and grabbed a glass of water for himself before walking back to the group. He took out a photo from his jacket and placed it on the table.

"With her." He declared. It was a picture of Lilli. No. Some girl who looked exactly like Lilli. The three of them were clueless. They looked at the tall guy for some sort of explanation. "That's not Lilli." He continued, sitting down again. "Her name is Lisa Manoban, half Korean, lives in Incheon. She's an only daughter. Her mother is Thai and her father is Korean. Education till high school. Has been supporting her family since then. Works in a restaurant near her house and some other small jobs. Her father has severe asthma and her mother was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor." He finished and looked at the three. Dal-gun seemed to evaluate the situation and a few seconds later he got up and hugged the other guy.

"This is great, Man. Until Lilli is awake or completely cured, we can make her Lilli Kim. She just needs a little work here and there and she will look exactly like her, without a doubt."

"How did you manage to find her?" Minnie asked, unable to contain her curiousness.

"Let's just say God was on our side. He wouldn't want Lilli's hard work to go down the drain, maybe."

"But how will we make her agree to this?" Dr. Baek asked.

"We will take care of it." Tae-woong said as he looked at Minnie and she returned a knowing smile.

It was the beginning.

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