Chapter 20 - Park Chaeyoung

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*Third Person's POV*
A few days later...

"You look so happy nowadays, Babe." The tall girl asked her girlfriend.

"Well, why wouldn't I be? Things are going great at work, I got my sister back, and I have the most prettiest girl on Earth as my girlfriend. So, I am obviously happy."

"So cheesy, Ms. Kim." The tall girl joked. Both girls were taking a walk in the park. Their first date as girlfriends. "Oh hey, your sister is The Lilli Kim, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Can you take me to her office? My best friend and I have always wanted to see her office."

"Why is that?" Jisoo asked frowning her eyebrows.

"Just to make sure if what the media says about her office is true or not."

"Trust me, it is. But, I will still take you. Shall we have lunch with her? Maybe you could call your friend as well."

"Can I do that?"


The tall girl phished out her phone and dialed her best friend's number, but it was switched off. She huffed.

"That idiot still keeps her phone off. What is she? A NIS Spy or something?" She said to herself.

Jisoo laughed. "That's okay. We will introduce her later then. Let's go now." She said and dragged her girlfriend to Kim Corp.

Meanwhile, at Kim Corp.

*Lisa's POV*

I was just looking through the emails when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in."

The door opened to reveal the cutest woman in this universe; my Jennie. I know it should be just a crush, but every time I see her my heart just can't control it. It's like she has put me in some kind of spell.

"Take a picture, if you're just going to stare at me." She said snapping me back from the trance.

"I wasn't staring. I was just wondering what this beautiful woman is doing in my office." I let out a fake gasp. "Are you here to seduce me? I am sorry but I already have a fiancée and I belong to her." I said dramatically earning a chuckle from her.

"That was lame."

"But you still laughed." I said getting up from my chair and getting closer to her. She quickly wrapped her hands around my neck and pulled me closer. Oh yeah, she got a lot touchy nowadays, just hugs and cuddles, nothing more. She gave me a peck on the nose. I wanted to pull away, but I can't. My body is fixed. That's the kind of effect she has on me.

"I missed you." She whispered and her breath hitched. Our faces are dangerously close and I could feel her breath on me. She was about to lean in when the door opened and Jisoo Unnie came in. Jennie immediately pulled away and I was panting as if I was caught cheating.

God, Lisa. This is wrong. What the hell are you doing? I mentally cussed. Jennie's face was flushed while Unnie looked away in embarrassment.

I quickly regained my composure. "Unnie, what brings you here?"

"Oh, I-- um, I... was hoping we could get lunch together."

"Yeah, sure."

"Ah and, I want to officially introduce my girlfriend." Jisoo Unnie said as a tall girl came forward from behind her and I was frozen on spot. How could it be? "Park Chaeyoung."

Out of all the women in the world, Lilli's sister is dating my best friend. I watched Chaeyoung's face quickly change as she saw me. No, I can't let it happen. I should control the situation.

"Oh, so this is the girl who stole my Unnie's heart, huh?" I said cheerfully, stepping forward and offering my hands. "Nice to finally meet you, Ms. Park." She took my hands slowly, but her gaze was fixed on me. She looks so surprised and confused now.

"Yah, cut the formalities, will you? You can call her Chaeyoung and she's younger than you."

"That's nice. Oh, and Chaeyoung-sshi, this is Jennie, my fiancée." I introduced Jennie as well.

"Hi." Jennie said with her famous gummy smile and I almost forgot the situation I am in for a second.

"Jennie Kim?" Chipmunk looks so surprised now.

"Yeah." Jennie said giggling.

I hoped she'd forget about me, but she turned her gaze back to me proving me wrong. Well, it's not surprising considering the things that are happening now.

"So shall we get going?" Jisoo Unnie asked.

"Yeah! You guys get going. I am just going to use the washroom and will join you downstairs." I said and quickly left them, almost running to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror. I can feel the heat in my face and my ear looks so red now. I need to collect myself, before facing her for lunch.

But some things are inevitable. The bathroom door opened, and my best friend came in.

"Sorry, I had to use the washroom too. Hope it's okay."

"Totally fine. I was done anyways. Take your time." I said and stepped away from the counter. I was about to get out when...

"Yah, Monkey!"

"Yah, Park Chaeyoung!"

Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!

It was an automatic reflex. We were so used to calling that way to piss each other off. It came out unintentionally. Now, I guess I don't have anywhere to run. I looked out of the bathroom making sure no one was there to hear us.

"Lisa?" She whispered.

"Chaeng-ah, I--"

"What's going on? Why is Jisoo calling you Lilli? And how could you be Lilli Kim? What did you do, Lisa?"

"Chaeyoung-ah, I promise, I will tell you everything. Just not now. I will explain everything to you soon. Just please don't tell Jisoo Unnie or Jennie anything. Please." I begged.

"Fine. I won't say anything to anyone. But you owe me some explanations, Manoban." She said pointing at me.

I nodded as I followed her out of the bathroom. What a day!

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