Chapter 18 - Bonding

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*Third Person's POV*

Days passed by. While Lisa's Mom got better in the hospital, the mood in the company and Kim's household changed for the better. It was no longer like a hurricane is coming, but more like a vacation mode. Lisa got so closer to everyone in the company and family, though there were many things that bothered her. She got used to talking to Lilli -- though it's really a one-way communication -- about how her day went and anything and everything.

And to say about Lisa and Jennie, they were in the catching-feelings phase. Both felt like teenagers, getting playful with each other and all. Lisa was more focused on getting to know Jennie and each detail about the cat-eyed girl made her fall head over heels for her again and again.

It was one of those usual nights in Kim's Residence. Jennie was away on some campaign in Busan, Jisoo Unnie was busy with a case and Liam was with his friends. Lisa was getting bored so she was just roaming around the house when she heard the sound of talking from the balcony. It was Lilli's parents and she thought they were asleep. She knew they wouldn't mind if she was to join them, but she stopped when she realized the topic of discussion was her or rather, Lilli.

"I feel so happy now." Mr. Kim said sighing.

"Tell me about it. She changed so much."

"I have always felt guilty that I abandoned her in an unknown nation. I wanted to apologize to her many times, but I think I was scared she would just point out my mistakes."

"We were both wrong, Honey. We failed as her parents. We deserved the lack of affection she had for us but it pained me more when she was cold to her siblings. You know how Jisoo was every time Lilli said something harsh to her."

Mr. Kim hummed.

"I am so happy that I now get to hold her whenever I want. I have missed her."

"Only if we have told her once, how sorry we are and how proud we are of her."

Mrs. Lee nodded as she placed her hands on his shoulder patting.

"We have the rest of our lives to love her, Honey." She assured.

Lisa was in tears. She heard everything. She wanted to tell them that it was going to be okay and that Lilli never blamed her parents for anything. She wanted them to know that Lilli wasn't cold because she lacked affection, but she couldn't. Lisa knew she still had many things to do.

So, the next day she took off. She drove Lilli's parents to the East of Seoul to a garden called The Garden of Morning Calm. The place was special to Lilli because it was the first place her parents took a photo together after their wedding. Lilli had always wanted to go there with her parents and take lots of photos for them. You must wonder how Lisa knew about this place. Lilli's dairy. It had everything Lisa wanted to know. About her family, her friends, their likes and dislikes, the things she wishes to do with them, and everything. They spend the morning and afternoon there. Lisa took so many photos -- her photographer side showing -- and they laughed so much.

She was planning to spend the evening with Jisoo but seemed like someone had different plans.

"Hey, Unnie! Can I come in?" Lisa asked knocking on Jisoo's door.

"Sure, you can. When did you come back?"

"Just now. I was hoping we could hang out together, but seems like you have different plans." Lisa said looking at the number of dresses on her bed.

"What! Ah-- no. I can cancel it. It's nothing important."

"I will decide that. Tell me what is it first."

"A-- a date." Jisoo said scratching her nape.

"What!! And you were going to cancel it. No chance."

"But I want to hang out with you." Jisoo said, pouting and Lisa's heart melted. She was an angel.

"Who said we won't? I am not going anywhere. We can hang out later as well. Now, I am going to help you get ready." Lisa said and Jisoo was almost in tears. "So, tell me about this date of yours." Lisa asked shuffling through Jisoo's clothes.

"Well, she's really nice, pretty, and kind. This is like our fifth date and I was planning to ask her to be my girlfriend."

"And you wanted to cancel it!? Unnie!!!" Lisa called in a warning tone and both girls laughed.

After a few more minutes of chatting and many more minutes of confusion, Jisoo was finally ready.

"What do you think?" She asked Lisa.

"You look perfect, Unnie. So pretty. Can I take a picture?" Lisa asked as she opened her phone. Jisoo nodded wordlessly. It was the first time Lilli had initiated something like this and it filled her heart with joy. "There you go." Lisa said taking a selfie.

"I feel really nervous though." Jisoo said trying to get past her tears that threatened to fall.

"Why!? Unnie, you are a very attractive, intelligent, and talented woman. No one will be able to say no to you. And if that girl does, then I will have to say she's dumb." Lisa said earning a chuckle from the older girl. "Now go get your girl."

"Thank you, Lilli."

"Why, Unnie?"

"I know I was not the best sister for you. I should have held on to you and fought for you, but I never did and I swear, I regret it so much." She said finally giving in to her tears and it broke Lisa's heart. "I really love you so much, Lilli and there are so many things I wanted to do for you as your elder sister, but I couldn't. I am sorry. I am really sorry."

"Unnie!!" Lisa called and engulfed the short girl in a tight hug. Jisoo sobbed against her chest. "I never blamed you for anything. I never hated you, Unnie. I know you wanted to be there for me and I shut you out. I am sorry too." Lisa cried too.

Both girls hugged for a while, letting the tears wash away all the harsh memories of Jisoo. When she calmed down, Lisa spoke again.



"Your makeup is ruined." Lisa said and both girls laughed again as they pulled out of the hug. They did her makeup again and for the first time in years, Jisoo felt content.

Lisa wished the older girl good luck before going to Lilli. She had many good things she could share with her Today.

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