Chapter 26 - Put An End To It All

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*Third Person's POV*

It was already late by the time they reached Lilli's unit. She was gone.

"FUCK!" Dal-gun yelled. He grabbed Liam by the collar. "Where is she?"

"I-- I don't know."

"Don't fuck around, Liam. Tell me where he took her?"

"Hyeong, believe me. I don't know." He pleaded.

"Oppa, leave him." Lisa got in between. "Where were you going to take me?"

"I was trying to call him. I planned to drive around till he picked up."

"That means we can't find her?" Minnie asked anxiously.

"Come on, Tae, we will go look for her."

"Wait, Oppa." Lisa stopped the guys. "We can find her."

"How?" Tae-woong asked.

Lisa took her phone out and opened an application. "I put a tracker on her."

"What?" The trio asked in unison.

"Remember the party at Daniel's house? When I went out with Jennie, someone was following us. I grew suspicious of Daniel since then. The evidence Lilli collected just increased it, but I couldn't confirm it was him who tried to harm Lilli. Nothing happened then, but I was worried, so the following day, I put a tracker on her. I kept it always in her pocket and..." She showed her phone screen to everyone. "It's still active."

"Oh, Lisa!" Minnie called and hugged the girl, and Tae-woong joined. Dal-gun watched the girl, feeling like a proud brother.

As they pulled out of the hug, Lisa spoke again. "Minnie, you know my friend Chaeyoung, right?" The said girl nodded. "Go to her. She has all the evidence. Take it to the police and come with them to the location I am going to send, as soon as possible. Take Liam with you." Both of them nodded. The said guy was determined to do anything to save his sister.

If you're wondering how Lisa got the evidence: back when Dal-gun said that someone broke into the unit when Lilli got into the accident, like him, Lisa was also suspicious that they came looking for something. So, she searched the whole place and found the pen drive containing the evidence. She knew it wasn't safe to keep it there so, when her best friend found out the truth, she gave the pen drive to her to safeguard it.

As Minnie and Liam were about to go, Lisa spoke again. "Oppa, let's go."

"Lisa, you don't have to come. It's dangerous. We will manage." Dal-gun spoke, and Lisa smiled at him.

"No, Oppa. Daniel Kim is a crooked person. We need to confuse him in order to win him." She said, and they knew it was just a waste of time to argue with her. So, they went along with her.

Meanwhile, Lilli opened her eyes slowly, trying to adjust to the sharp light in the room. She tried to move her body, but it was tied to a chair. Her body was still weak, so she couldn't apply any force as well. She looked around to realize that it was an abandoned warehouse, which must be one of Daniel's hideouts.

"Is anyone here?" She voiced out. Her sound echoed in the whole building. There was no response for a while.

"Oh, you're awake." His familiar voice came from behind.

Lilli watched as he walked to her front with his men. Her face was full of hatred for the man, and if looks could kill, he'd be drop dead by now.

"How do you feel, Lilli?" He asked, smiling.

"What the hell do you want?" She spat.

"You know exactly what I want."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Cut the bullshit, Lilli. Give the files you collect against me to me, and I might let you go."

She scoffed. She knew he had no plans to let her go whatsoever.

He was growing impatient with her silence.

"Don't test my patience, Kiddo. Tell me where it is."

"How will she know when I am the one who hid it?" The voice echoed inside the building as Lisa came in. Waves of emotions hit Lilli to see her. She felt shocked, surprised, happy, grateful, and even sad.

"Who-- who are you?" Daniel looked like he had seen a ghost.

"I am Lilli Kim, Uncle. You have the wrong person." Lisa stated, and Lilli looked at her in disbelief. "Hey, Girl." Lisa called. "Why didn't you just tell him the truth that you're not Lilli, but just an imposter."

"Lisa, what are you doing?" Lilli asked, not wanting the other girl to put herself in danger. "Don't try to sacrifice yourself for me."

"I should be the one to tell you that, Lisa." Lisa countered.

"I am Lilli." Lilli announced.

"No, I am Lilli." Lisa wasn't going to let go.

All of this was further agitating the guy.

"Enough!" He yelled but collected himself before speaking again. "I don't care about who the real Lilli is. Both of you are a threat to me, and I shall get rid of everything that comes against me."

"Don't you think that's a bit ambitious, Daniel." Dal-gun said as both the guys came into visibility behind Lisa. They looked at Lilli, and their face softened, seeing the girl awake after long.

"Of course, the dogs came." He laughed like a maniac. "It's a good thing that I have got you all here. I could get rid of these dogs who might become a problem to me in the future as well."

He took out his gun and loaded it. He aimed it at Lilli. Dal-gun was about to step forward when his men loaded their weapons, pointing the three of them.

"Now, tell me, how did you find this place before I blow off her head?"

No one spoke. Time was running out.

"I will count to three, and if I don't get an answer, she will be gone first followed by you." He said, pointing at Lisa.







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