Chapter 29 - Gift [Finale]

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*Third Person's POV*

"How long do you plan to keep quiet?" Mrs. Lee asked.

Lisa stopped and turned around. She was hit by waves of confusion and terror. What did she mean by that? Was she talking to her? Does she know? How? All these questions ran through her mind in a few seconds.

Jisoo got up from her seat and took off Lisa's cap. She spoke as she took off the mask as well. "You don't need to hide from us, Lisa."

Lisa was close to crying.

"H-- how?"

"I told them." Lilli Kim's voice echoed. She came in, smiling warmly, and... her hair changed. She now had bangs.


That's when Lisa noticed it wasn't just Lilli. The trio, Hae-ri, Dr. Baek, Lisa's parents, Liam, Chaeyoung, Joo-hyun, her fiancée, and Jungkook were with her as well. Lisa's eyes unknowingly wandered to look for a certain cat-eyed brunette, but she wasn't there.

"Mom? Dad?" Lisa called her parents. "I--"

"It's okay, Baby. Lilli told us everything." Lisa's Mom assured her.

"You didn't have to." Lisa mumbled, but everyone heard it.

"I wanted to. I did the right thing, right, Mom?" Lilli said as she wrapped her hands around both mothers. They nodded. Lisa looked at them, surprised. "Why? Can't I call your Mom "Mom" when you do the same?"

Lisa was speechless.

"From Today, I have three daughters." Mrs. Lee came forward, took Lisa's face in her hands, and caressed her. The cuts were long healed, but the bruises were still visible. "How will I thank you enough, Sweetie?" Mrs. Lee asked, sniffling.

Lisa shook her head. "No, Mom. I never once missed my parents, thanks to you. I should be the thankful one."

Mrs. Lee hugged Lisa as Lilli hugged the other mother. The fathers shook their heads smiling, watching the women cry as Mr. Kim put his hands over Lisa's father's shoulders.

As they pulled away, Chaeyoung broke the silence. "Lisa-yah, did you really think you could hide? You think I will get married without my best friend?" She said as she approached Jisoo, and the latter gladly wrapped her hands around the tall girl's waist.

Lisa couldn't have been happier. They did make a cute couple. She hugged both of them, letting a drop of tear fall. Jisoo wiped the tear off her face as they pulled away and thanked her little sister.

She was then reunited with her Oppas, who were standing with their girlfriends. Seemingly, everything worked out. She hugged Tae-woong and Minnie quickly and smiled at Dr. Baek, who rummaged through her precious bangs before approaching Dal-gun. She missed him the most. She opened her mouth to call him, but to her surprise, he tugged her into a hug and held her tightly. Lisa could feel herself getting emotional again.

The whole scene was so overwhelming that Jungkook spoke up to ease the tension.

"I never imagined I will have to suffer between two Lilli's." He said, earning a chuckle from everyone and a glare from Lilli. "But still, thank you, Lisa-yah, because, of you, this idiot has come to her senses."

"That's so true. We are forever grateful to you, Lisa." Joo-hyun said, high-fiving Jungkook.

"Yah!!!" Lilli yelled, pouting, making everyone laugh again.

"At least, now I have someone to rant about Lilli and my wife, though." Seul-gi said,  moving from Joo-hyun's side to Lisa's as they both nodded in agreement.

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