Chapter 6 - Meeting Her

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*Lisa's POV*

I am currently waiting for Jennie at the airport. According to Lilli's parents, she's coming on a chartered flight as she got to know the news of my accident. I guess, she really loves Lilly. Only Dal-gun Oppa is here with me because as per my guides, it's unusual for Lilly to have the three of them together with her. The ride here was super tense. I felt like I was driving with my father, who's a high-ranking official in the military and we were on our way to fix my marriage with the son of another military official.

I am here holding a bouquet of Daisies. I mean, I should give her a proper welcome, right? I didn't know what her favorite flower was, I even asked this commando with me, but he had no idea. But when I said about getting flowers, I saw that he had an expression I have never seen before.

Her flight could land in the next ten minutes and we are waiting by the runway with some airport officials with us. All of them had a strained expression on their face -- the kind of effect Lilli Kim has on people. I saw a plane come to the airport proximity and prepare for landing. The last time I was on a plane was back when I was in middle school when I went to visit my grandparents in Thailand. But here I am, living as someone who can buy as many planes as she, pleases. Life is strange.

I watched the plane land and a few minutes later as the door opened, a very pretty woman got off. She was wearing jeans, a plain T-shirt, and a jacket, but she looked beautiful. But... wait a minute!!!

Jennie? Lilli's fiancée Jennie is Jennie Kim?

I immediately turned to Dal-gun Oppa. "You didn't tell me my fiancée was Jennie Kim."

"So what?" He asked nonchalantly.

Is this guy being serious? Jennie Kim is one of the top models in the country. She has been named one of the most powerful women of the century by several world-class magazines. She's a fashion icon and a total girl crush material. And of course, I once had a crush on her. But as time went on, I lost the luxury of even having a crush so it faded, or so I thought. I think I still do like her because my heart is beating at an inhumane speed. I am trembling from top to bottom.

Get a hold of yourself, Lisa. I mentally yelled.

Jennie slowly approached where we were standing. There was another girl behind her, probably her manager. She came to us and Oppa was the first one to greet her.

"Jennie-yah, how was the trip?" He said in a less serious tone. Oh, so he does know how to speak softly.

"It went well, Oppa. They will release the issue in coming September." Her voice! God, it's so soothing. It's been long since I heard it. It's as calming as I remember it.

"That's great." Jennie nodded and turned her eyes to me. I swear, as we made eye contact, a shiver went down my spine. I could hardly contain my excitement so I had a huge smile on my face. Jennie looked surprised.

"Hey!" I tried to keep it as a whisper, more to sound like Lilli and not some random girl with a teenage crush on her.

"Hi. How do you feel now?" She spoke... carefully?

"Good." I gave her an assuring smile. "I got these for you. Welcome back." I said as I handed her the flowers. Her eyes widened even more if that was possible and I see a hint of tears. "I have missed you, Jennie." I don't have any idea why I said that. I just felt like it will make her feel better. Dal-gun Oppa looked at me blankly. Did I overstep? But it's okay for someone to say such things to their fiancée, right? However, she definitely looks like she's going to cry.

Aagh!! What's with everyone in Lilli's life!?

Before the situation could turn any more awkward, gladly Oppa stepped in. "We should get going. Lilli has a meeting at 12."

Well, he is wise when he wants to be.

I opened the car door for Jennie to enter and I hate to say it again, but she was shocked. Dal-gun Oppa and the other girl with Jennie got in the back while Jennie and I were in the front.

I was supposed to take her to Lilli's home as, Jennie's parents lived abroad and since then, she stayed with Lilli's family. On our way, I noticed that Jennie was constantly rubbing her stomach and was feeling uncomfortable. She must be hungry.

"Aigoo! I feel so hungry all of a sudden. Should we get breakfast?" I asked casually. Jennie glanced at me before looking at her friend.

"I need to get to the company. Drop us both on the next street. We will catch a cab and you go grab a bite with Jennie and can come back to the company after dropping her home." Oppa said in his usual tone.

What? Me, alone with Jennie?

"But, you can come with us right?" I asked hopefully to the girl, looking at her through the mirror.

"My parents are expecting me and I am not that hungry either."


Jennie should eat something properly and there is still a long way to get home. So, I had no other way but to drop the other two off at the next street and we parted our ways. The rest of the drive was quiet. We didn't speak much. Jennie kept looking outside the window, holding the flowers I gave her on her lap while I tried to steal a few glances at her.

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