Chapter 2 - An Offer You Can't Refuse

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*Third Person's POV*

Incheon, South Korea.

Lisa got off her shift, as usual, that day. Her schedules were fixed. From home to the restaurant, then back home to the chores and nursing her parents. She had been leading a normal boring life ever since high school. When all her friends spend their time looking for good colleges, Lisa spend her time looking for poles to put up flyers asking for employment.

Though her life was nothing like she hoped it would be, she was happy with what she had. Parents who love her unconditionally, her best friend who support her no matter what, and she was surrounded by good people; people who were pure and loyal.

It was her dream to become a chef, but she had to keep it away when she came to know about her father's condition which made him unable to go to work. She didn't blame anyone or anything. She was more than happy to keep her dream away for her parents, but then another tragedy came to her as her mother got diagnosed with a brain tumor. It broke her completely, but she had to put up a tough front. She needed money and she was ready to do anything for it, but the least she expected was to get into a web of company politics and family drama.

As she walked down the road, a black car stopped in front of her. It was one of those cars which you could tell right away that it was something only the richest could afford. Lisa was curious to know who would stop such a car in front of her. A few seconds later, the passenger door opened, revealing a brunette with thick bangs.

"Lisa Manoban?" Minnie asked in her high-pitched, breathy voice.

"Ye- yeah."

"Nice meeting you. I am from Kim Corp. Would you please come with us?" She wasn't making a request, rather she was implying that Lisa will have to go with her, whether or not she liked it.

"K-- Kim Corp.? W-- why?" Lisa was even more curious. That company is so huge that it would take someone like her at least a week to get inside the premises.

"I would appreciate it if you ask fewer questions Miss Manoban. I can assure you that you will get answers to all your questions once you reach there and let me tell you it will be beneficial for you." She said in what we could call a corporate tone!

Lisa was confused, but she went with it.

What could possibly go wrong? There's nothing that someone like me could offer for Kim Corp. That's what she thought. Boy, only if she knew.

When she got into the car, she was greeted by a tall man with narrow eyes. "Hi, Lisa. I'm Gi Tae-woong."

Lisa smiled nervously and slightly bowed. "Hello."

"Oh, and I am Minnie, by the way." The girl said as she got into the car and smiled for the first time.

"WHAT!!! T-- tha-- that's, Lilli-- Lilli Kim?" Lisa practically screamed pointing at Lilli's motionless body. The other people in the room remained silent, to let everything sink in for the younger girl. "How is this possible?" Lisa mumbled.

"We wish we could give you some sort of explanation on that, Lisa but we are clueless." Dr. Baek spoke, probably the only one who talked to Lisa warmly ever since she got into that car an hour ago.

"You are saying you want me to be her?" Lisa spoke carefully.

"Yes. Lilli can't afford to be in a coma now. But as you can see, we are helpless. So, we need you, Lisa." Dal-gun spoke sternly.

"But-- but that's cheating. I can't do it. I am sorry." Lisa said as she turned around to leave.

"We will pay you, Lisa." Minnie's voice echoed in the room. Lisa turned back to the brunette. "We know everything about your mother's condition. We can help you."


"Two million US dollars." Dal-gun offered.

"Excluding your mother's surgery and treatment charges." Tae-woong added. Lisa seemed to contemplate the offer. "Dr. Baek here will take care of everything related to your mother's surgery and after treatment." Lisa looked at the Doctor and she give her an assuring smile. "You can buy a nice house for your parents, you can buy your own restaurant, your father's condition can improve with better treatment and your parents won't have to worry about money for the rest of their lives. You want that, Lisa, don't you?"

Lisa didn't speak. They knew what they were talking about. They weren't just blabbering, they had that hold on Kim Corp. and Lilli to make such a tempting offer so confidently.

"I need some time to think about it."

"We don't have that, Lisa. But we understand. We expect a reply in an hour. And it will be good for everyone if it's a positive one." Dal-gun warned and Lisa nodded as she left the room.

She walked by the corridors of the hospital Lilli was in. It was the VIP area with tight security so that no information about the patients go out. Lisa sat down on a bench completely lost in her thoughts. She could literally secure her parent's life with this job. She could even make her long-lost dream come true. But then again, it's cheating.

Lisa was fighting with her inner self when her phone rang and it was her mother.


Lisa's Mom coughed on the other side. The woman was vulnerable and it pained Lisa to see her like that. She had to get the money to save her. "Where are you, Sweetie?"

Lisa didn't speak. She was making a decision inside her head. After a few more minutes of silence, Lisa spoke. "Mom?"


"I got a new job."

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