Chapter 16 - The Enigmatic CEO

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*Third Person's POV*

The following day, everyone was present in the conference room. Lilli's Parents, Jisoo, Liam, Daniel, Jennie, Dal-gun, Minnie, rest of the board members and shareholders except Lilli and Tae-woong. There were still a few minutes left in the clock to hit 2 so they were waiting.

Lisa didn't go home Yesterday. She spent the whole night in the office, going through every detail. Even after Minnie left for the day, Lisa stayed and of course, Dal-gun was on standby. They didn't talk. She was so focused on the paperwork that she didn't even acknowledge his presence. For a moment, he wondered if she had switched souls with the real Lilli.

As the clock struck 2, a few of the old men gathered there started to groan. While many of the were fond of and respected Lilli, there were still a few who wanted to kick her out of the company. Mainly because they thought about how could she be the head of the company when there were more experienced people than her on the board. And many who thought that way still lived in the 18th century to believe that women shouldn't be given such top positions above men. To put it in simple terms, they were chauvinists.

"Mr. Cha, where is Ms. Kim? Is she mocking us?" One of the grumpy old men asked Dal-gun since he was her right hand and everyone knew it.

"I am sure that's not her intention Mr. Gu, she will be here soon." Minnie answered knowing Dal-gun's temper. He never really liked anyone among the old men because all of them thought so mighty about themselves when in real life they were just pieces of shit who never really acknowledged anyone besides themselves. The members of the Kim family kept quiet and composed themselves to prepare for what was about to come.

As if on cue, the door to the conference room opened to reveal a guard who announced, "Ms. Kim is here."

If this was a KDrama, then this is where you put that royal music as background because, Lisa's entry was magnificent making everyone in the room, even Lilli's parents stand up. She had a static expression and posture and her looks screamed perfection. A few people in the room even felt a chilly aura when she entered.

"My sincere apologies for being late." She said and bowed. Most of them returned the bow acknowledging her apology while others just scoffed at her.

She took the seat at the head of the table with most of her family members to her right and Dal-gun and Minnie to her left. Tae-woong's seat was still empty.

"Mr. Gi is not here yet." Minnie pointed out.

"That's okay. I sent him for something. We can start without him." Lisa said making Dal-gun and Minnie look at each other in confusion.

The next few moments were of utter accusation from the greasy old men who just wanted to put all the blame on Lilli though this contract can't even shake a table in Kim Corp. Everyone knew it very well, but this was a chance for them to voice out on Lilli's incapability as a CEO like a nail in a coffin.

"Don't you think it was solely your irresponsibility that lead to such a disgrace to the company's name, Ms. Kim?" Mr. Gu who had been biased since the beginning spat words like venom. "We have never lost to RJ Corp. and this is going to affect our company's image in front of the media. You should be answerable, Ms. Kim." He concluded.

Lisa didn't speak. She kept quiet, playing with her pen, listening to every word the old men threw at her.

"Hyeong (Brother in Korean), this may not be a crucial situation as the gentlemen here are trying to put it, but it's true that our company's name is at stake." Daniel said to his brother. His words sounded unbiased but Lisa felt like it was just fuel to the fire.

"Lilli." Mr. Kim called. "What do you got to say on this issue?"

Just as the words left his mouth, the door opened once again and the tall man with narrow eyes for whom Lisa waited, came in with some documents. He whispered some things to Lisa and placed the file in front of her before sitting down on his chair.

Lisa finally got up from her chair and faced the people. "I have got good news and bad news." Everyone looked at her in confusion not knowing what was she about to speak. "Well, the bad news is, we have a traitor among us." Now, all of them looked at each other, except the trio who had their look fixed on Lisa. "But the good news is he had been caught." Murmurs could be heard in the whole conference room and Lisa let it go on for a few seconds. She slammed hard on the table making everyone flinch and turn their attention to her. "It's a real shame that we didn't get the contract. I have worked so hard for it, but what puzzled me the most was how come RJ Corp. had the same proposal I have worked on for weeks?" The crowd exploded into a series of 'whats'. "It's true. That's why I said we have a mole here. Guards!" Lisa called and one of her men came inside holding another employee by his collar. He left the man in front of the crowd, bowed, and left the room. "He sold our proposal."

"How dare you sell it to our enemies?" One of the old men growled.

"Oh, no. He didn't sell it to RJ group." The people again looked at Lisa in confusion, except one person, who kept his head low. After a short pause, she called, "Mr. Gu," Her voice echoed throughout the whole floor. "Why don't you tell us for what amount you purchased it?"


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