Chapter 10 - Keeping Promises

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*Third Person's POV*

Lisa missed her parents, though it hasn't been that long. She had never been away from them so it was understandable. She packed some of the food she made as she made her way to the company. She was somewhat nervous about asking Dal-gun about her parents, so she went to Minnie. Even though they assured her that her parents were being taken care of, she still couldn't stop worrying. She at least wanted to drop off the food she made, for them.

"Don't you want to see them?" Minnie asked and Lisa nodded. "Get changed. Your bags are in the room. I will let the guys know." Lisa was surprised Minnie agreed quickly and would even let her see them. She quickly discarded Lilli's clothes and wore hers. She was greeted by Dal-gun by the elevator and they managed to get out of the company without anyone's notice.

The drive was quiet for the most part. Since she was now Lisa, Dal-gun offered to drive. He turned the car to Seoul National Hospital, one of the prestigious Hospitals in the country. Never in her life, had Lisa thought she would be able to have her parents get treated there.

"I have good news for you." Dr. Baek announced after the greetings.


"The date for your Mom's surgery is fixed. The next Tuesday."

Tears flew down the younger girl's face as soon as the words left the Doctor's mouth. All she ever wanted was to keep her parents safe and sound. Nothing else mattered to her and she was happy at this moment than she ever felt.

"Hey, Lisa. It's okay. Don't worry about your Mom. She will be fine trust me." Dr. Baek said as she ran her hands in circles behind the crying girl.

"Thank you! Thank you so much, Doctor." Lisa said sniffling and the Doctor nodded.

"I will be leaving with Dal-gun to check up on Lilli. Take your time with your parents. And come back safely." Lisa nodded and looked at the guy. He nodded and gave her back the car keys as they both left.

"Oppa." Lisa called Dal-gun before they both entered the elevator. "Thank you!" She yelled and she swore, she saw a smile tucking into his face though he was quick to hide it. As the elevator closed its door, Lisa ran to her parent's room, however, she was greeted by a third face there. Well, a face she had missed if she was being honest -- her best friend.

"Yah! Park Chaeyoung!!!" Lisa called, startling the chipmunk.

"Lis!!" The girl got up from the bedside and hugged the other girl tight making Lisa drop the bags she was holding.

"How come you are here?"

"Your phone was turned off and you wouldn't respond to the texts either, so I called Aunt and they told me. Where were you?"

"That's a long story, but for now... Mom!" Lisa called turning to her mother, sitting beside her on the bed. "How do you feel?"

Her mother smiled. It was a weak one, but it was one of those fighter's. "They gave me so many medicines. I hardly have to eat food." She joked.

"It's going to be okay, Mom. Did the Doctor tell you?" She nodded.

Lisa felt a hand caressing her hair. She looked up to see her father. "Dad!" She quickly hugged him. "How are you?"

"I am doing so much better, Sweetie. I have a new Doctor now and the medicine seems to know its job."

Lisa couldn't have been any happier. She smiled at both her parents with tears in her eyes, but tears of happiness. Her friend leaned against the wall as she witnessed something we could call a family reunion?

"But," Lisa's Mom spoke slowly. "How did you manage all this? Where did you get the money?"

Now, everyone in the room was curious and Lisa was cornered.

"Ah, I-- I-- I got a new job. It pays well."

"What kind of a job paid you this much money?" Chaeyoung asked arching an eyebrow.

Lisa can't even mention anything about Kim Corp. "Umm, It's-- it's confidential, but it pays well." She assured. "And you met Dr. Baek, right?" Her parents nodded. "She's my friend. She helped a lot." She mentally sighed. The topic was completely off when Chaeyoung noticed the bags that Lisa left and she instantly knew what they had.

"You brought food?" She almost jumped in excitement.

"Yah, it's for them. I didn't know you were here." Lisa said making the other girl pout. "Don't pout. I will treat you to something." She said as the others girl's face lit up with excitement. "You guys eat, we will go get something from outside." Lisa said to her parents as they walked out of the room with the human chipmunk clinging to her hand.

"So, what kind of a job is it?" Chaeyoung asked, munching the Japchae they ordered.

"Just something." Lisa tried to shrug it off.

The tall girl let out a fake gasp. "Don't tell me you are some kind of a sugar baby to an old freak."

"What!!! No. Where did you even get that idea?"

"I don't know! You, like, got rich overnight. I couldn't think of anything else."

"I am not rich, girl... yet." Lisa whispered the last part.

"What was it?"

"Huh!? Nothing. You tell me what's going on with you?" The Thai girl asked hoping she could get past the questions about her 'job'.

"Just the usual things, but, oh, I got a date this weekend."

"What? With who?"

"Someone I met recently. I won't tell you who it is yet. Let me go on that date first and see how things will go. I will tell you afterwards and you are going to be so shocked."

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