Chapter 17 - You Did Well

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*Third Person's POV*

"Are you accusing me of treason, Ms. Kim?" Mr. Gu yelled, raising from his seat.

Lisa was calm. She had dealt with worse as a waitress. This was just a piece of cake.

"You bet I am. I got all the bank transaction details and call records you had with this guy for the past week in front of me. Still want to argue that you know nothing!" She countered and the old man kept stuttering to find the right words. With all the eyes in the room on him, he felt even more nervous. "Oh and one more thing. If your future daughter-in-law had to prove herself in RJ Corp., she should have worked harder. And let me tell you one more thing. The contract with Alpha Tech... they will indeed sign it with Kim Corp." It was now everyone's turn to sigh and gasp in happiness. But Lisa wasn't done. "Did you think that they would really keep their contract once they knew about this forgery?"

The man ran towards Lisa and fell to his knees in front of her. "Please, Ms. Kim. I made a mistake. Forgive me."

"Aren't you ashamed, Mr. Gu?" She paused. "I am much younger than you, but look at you. Don't you feel ashamed to be like this?"

"Please, Ms. Kim." He begged, but there was nothing more to expect from her.

"Everyone," She turned to the crowd. "As of Today Mr. Gu Seung-moo is not a part of Kim Corp. Minnie," She turned her gaze to her. "I want his resignation on my desk in one hour."

"Yes, Ms. Kim."

"You heard it. Leave the company by yourself so that I won't have to see you again on court." She said facing the man on his knees.

"Mr. Cha, Mr. Gi, I don't want this man in any of our company properties again. Make sure that you see to it."

"Yes, Ms. Kim." They both said at the same time.

"The meeting is dispersed." Lisa announced and specifically looked at Daniel. "The issue has been dealt with."

The people started to leave the conference room, with everyone congratulating, Lisa.

"Congrats." Daniel said with a straight face and smiled. Lisa returned the smile with the same intensity.

"I am proud of you, Honey." Mr. Kim patted her shoulder.

"I will cook your favorite dish Today." Mrs. Lee said.

"That was quite some show, Sis." Liam, as always, exaggerated.

"True. You were so good." Jisoo backed up this time.

Lisa said nothing but smiled cheerfully at each of them. Finally, it was Jennie's turn and she just gave Lisa a gummy smile. The one that Lisa loved the most. She squeezed Lisa's hand as she went out. Everyone left the room leaving the trio and Lisa behind. Minnie closed and locked the door as the last person went out.

"Phew!" Lisa let out as the door closed and dropped herself to the chair.

"Girl, what was that?" Minnie asked, excited from head to toe. Lisa just chuckled.

"For a moment there I thought Lilli came back," Tae-woong added and Minnie nodded furiously.

"How did you know an insider was involved?" Minnie asked not able to contain her excitement.

"Well you know, back when I worked in restaurants, whenever a customer compliments a dish, there were many people who would come forward to take credit. I just applied the same theory here. But I wasn't sure. I was prepared for the worst actually. That's when Tae-woong Oppa came in." Lisa giggled as she got up from her seat and high-fived the latter.

"But that was so cool." Minnie squealed. "We were so worried when you didn't show up at first."

"Oh, that. I had to visit the hospital since Today was my Mom's operation. Sorry."

"Oh, right. How's she?" Tae-woong inquired.

"She was nervous, but I assured her. The operation will be over in a few hours. I plan to visit her in the evening."

"I am coming with you." Minnie said, still sounding so excited.

"Okay!" Lisa responded and eyed Dal-gun. He was standing by the door, looking at the floor, listening to the conversations. When Tae-woong and Minnie noticed that Lisa was looking at the short guy, they stopped talking and waited for him.

The sudden silence made Dal-gun look up from his shoes and he made brief eye contact with Lisa. He let out a deep breath and looked at the other two. Both of them looked at him like: 'well, what are you waiting for?'

"You-- you did great. Lilli would have done the same." He finally let out looking everywhere else but Lisa. She was trying so hard to suppress her smile. Among everyone in her life, Lilli was closest to Dal-gun and he cared a great deal about everything surrounding her. They were the perfect brother-sister and best-friend combo, of course, even better than Lilli and Liam. They knew each other's imperfections and still loved unconditionally. Also, though he tried so hard to make it seem like Lisa was just some random girl and he absolutely did not give any damn about her, it was obvious he was faking it. He was clearly starting to worry about her and deep down he knew he'd protect her with his life if such a situation is presented.

Likewise, even though, he was the most cold to her, Lisa was more concerned about him. She knew, like Lilli, beneath all that coldness, he was a loving and gentle person and she loved him for that. So, to earn such a remark from him meant so much to her, but she wanted to act cold.

"Ah, Thank you, Oppa." She said faking coldness. He nodded and went out, as the three left in the room burst out into laughter.

*No One's POV*

"She got past this as well."

"I know but we are good since we didn't plan it. Did you get what I asked for?"

"No. But she's spending more time there nowadays."

"It must be there. There's no place else."

"When do you plan to get rid of her?"

"We can't strike again soon after a failed attempt. That bitch has the life of a cat."

"I don't think I can wait anymore."

"Patience is the key. Leave her to me and I want you to get me the code to her secret room."

"I will. Soon."

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