Chapter 9 - It's Never Too Late To Start Again

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*Third Person's POV*

Lisa spent the night beside Lilli. She didn't even have an appetite which made Lilli's family worry that she was going back to her cold form, but when Lisa smiled at them assuring them that everything was going to be okay, they felt relieved.

The following morning, Lisa woke up before everyone. Well, considering she only slept for a couple of hours, it wasn't a surprise. She spent most of the night thinking about how she will be able to bring the girl in a coma and her family together. There was only one thing she knew; one thing she was best at -- cooking. As the saying goes, 'The way to someone's heart is through their mouth'. And Lisa set out to go on that way.

The people in Kim's Residence woke to a dream that day. Well, for them sure it was. Lilli Kim was in the kitchen cooking breakfast for the family. They were all shocked would be an understatement. Not even once in the years Lilli has lived in the house, she had set foot inside the kitchen, let alone smiled at any of the maids there. All of the servants there were even afraid to look Lilli in the eyes, but Today some of them were even on the verge of passing out with Lisa addressing them politely, all smiley, asking about themselves and their families.

Lilli's parents and siblings came to the kitchen mouth agape as they watched Lisa or rather Lilli, shaking her body to the music playing in the background as she cooked. Lisa was so focused on cooking that she barely noticed anyone's presence there.

"Lilli?" Mrs. Lee called softly, not to startle the focused girl.

"Oh! Mom, Dad! Good morning. Good morning, Unnie. Hey, Liam." She was all energized in the morning. The usual mode of Kim's Residence in the morning was as if a storm was coming.


"Good morning."


They all wished back, shocked to their core. None of them have ever received such an exciting wish from Lilli before.

"How did you guys sleep?"

They all nodded, utterly speechless.

"You are cooking, Sis?" Liam asked as he came inside the kitchen.

"Yep!" Lisa replied as she shook her body more to the music, making Liam do the same with her.

"I didn't know you knew how to cook, Honey." Mrs. Lee spoke.

Lisa smiled. "Today, you are going to taste it, Mom. I poured all my talent into it."

"You want any help, Lilli?" Jisoo asked.

"No, Unnie. I am almost done. You can settle down. Food will be there in 10 minutes." Lisa said as she made one of those chef's hand gestures earning a smile from all of them.

As they all settled down, Lisa noticed the absence of a brunette. "Where's Jennie?"

"She's still sleeping. Probably jet lag. I will go call her." Jisoo offered.

"That's okay, Unnie. You guys start. I will wake her up." Lisa said, discarding the apron she was wearing before turning to one of the maids. "Mrs. Han, could you please set them up? I will go call Jennie." The lady almost felt tears at her words, but she nodded wordlessly.

Lisa slightly knocked on the door before slowly opening it to find it very quiet. She saw Jennie wrapped up under her blanket like the cute kitten she is. Lisa couldn't help but admire the view. Jennie looked so precious. How could someone ever hurt her? Lisa stared at Jennie -- the longer she stared, the faster her heart beat.

"Hey, Jennie!" Lisa whispered in the brunette's ear, but she got no response. She slightly shook Jennie's shoulder earning a groan from her. "You need to wake up, Miss Kim." Lisa said, mimicking a hoarse voice.

Jennie shuffled a bit and whispered, "Five more minutes."

Lisa giggled. "Do I have to carry you, Miss Kim?" Lisa said in her normal voice. Jennie slightly opened her eyes only to shoot them open as she saw the person sitting at her bedside.

"Lilli?" Jennie rubbed her eyes, almost pinching her to make sure it was not a dream.

"Did you sleep well?"

Jennie nodded furiously, with her mouth agape. Lisa thought she looked cute like that so she couldn't help but smile.

"Come out fast, sleepy head. I made breakfast." Lisa said as she got up and walked to the door.

"You did what!!!" Jennie couldn't help her shock.

"Breakfast, Honey. Come fast." Lisa said as she walked out of the room. Jennie blushed furiously at that single word. She didn't know that was even possible, while the tall girl leaned against the wall and covered her mouth to control her squeal as she too looked like a tomato.

When Lisa came back to the table, the rest of the family had already sat down. They all noticed her face but shrugged it off, but when finally Jennie came down, they all realized or misunderstood what the red face meant. Liam being the big mouth he is couldn't help but shoot the question. "Did you guys kiss or something?"

Both the girls' faces grew even redder if that was even possible.

"Liam!" Jisoo scolded her brother.

"What!? You guys were all thinking the same thing."

"Th-- that's okay, Unnie. But to answer your question, no, we didn't kiss, but we could, right, Dad?" Lisa turned to Mr. Kim.

"Of course, Honey. Though I never realized you were a romantic like me." He said winking at Lisa, earning a smack on his shoulder from his wife.

"Dad!!" Jisoo looked at both her sister and father with a disgusted face, but deep down she was smiling.

Jennie stood there, still feeling embarrassed by the whole scene, but she couldn't help but blush more at Lisa's, well, Lilli's remarks.

Lisa pulled the chair for Jennie as the family watched them contently. Jennie mouth a thank you and when the maid came forward to serve the food, Lisa offered to do the honors herself. There were not so many dishes but she had made everyone's favorites. She served them all individually and watched them dig into her hard work.

Do I have to specifically say they liked it? They loved it. Lisa was showered with praises throughout the whole breakfast which made the girl's mind wander a bit off to her parents.

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