Chapter 14 - Fluttering Feelings

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*Jennie's POV*

I can't believe what's happening. I am dancing with Lilli. I thought it would have been impossible. And everything about this moment is driving me crazy. The way her left hand is resting on my hips while she intertwined her other hand with mine and one of my hands is on her chest. The way her heart pounding hard against it. The way she moves our bodies together to the rhythm of the music. The way how she's looking at me like there are so many things she wants to tell, but couldn't. I feel like there is no one else on this dance floor, but just us. Sometimes she pulls away and spins me according to the music, but her touches are so gentle as if I am a very fragile piece of glass.

I didn't want this moment to end, but all good things come to an end, right? With one last spin, she pulled me closer to her as the music ended. I was in her arms, gazing into her dark brown eyes. Her breath was hitching, and I could feel it against my nose. Our faces were close... so dangerously close. If it wasn't for the loud applause around us, I wouldn't have let go of her. I could feel, she too let go reluctantly and her touch was still lingering on me.

Everyone got past the moment except us; I can see it in her eyes. For another hour, our friends teased the living shit out of me. But Lilli was nowhere to be seen. I waited for a few more minutes before going to find her. I saw her on the balcony and she looks tensed. Something must be bothering her. Should I go ask her? What if she yells at me again?


I tried to shake away all those memories from the past, but they are still there. Whatever, I think I could still take a chance.

"Lilli." I called softly not wanting to startle her.

"Huh!? Jennie?"

"What are you doing here? It's cold."

"Just wanted to catch some air."

"Getting bored?" I hope I won't trigger anything in her.

"Yeah! I guess parties are not my thing anymore."

"They never were." I joked. And she chuckled. She is very beautiful when she smiles or laughs. We both leaned against the railing inhaling the cold wind. We stood in silence for a few minutes and I decided to break it when I saw her signing constantly.

"Is something... bothering you?"

She just nodded.

"Is it that serious?"

Again a nod.

"Is there anything I can do?"

She finally turned her head to look at me.

"I-- I mean--"

"There's a place I want to go." She cut me off. "Will you come with me?"

I nodded. Again, it wasn't the usual Lilli, I have seen. The Lilli I used to know would never ask something like this. She just straight away order, but here she was. Her eyes were pleading.

What happened to you, Lilli? I hope you don't go back on being like this. I don't know what will happen if you go back to being cold to me. I am not sure if I will be able to take it.

We bid our goodbyes to Lilli's Uncle, her parents, and our friends. Minnie and the Oppas seemed to be asking her many things as I was talking to her parents. I guess, they got a bit overprotective after the accident. They are always too concerned about Lilli.

The whole ride was quiet. I was just watching, while she was focused on her thoughts rather than driving. Though it's not a safe thing, I couldn't just snap her. We got away from the rush in Seoul, to Incheon. She turned the car from the gentle road to a rough path with nearly no street lights on. It was a full moon night so the only source of light in the area was the car's headlight and the moonlight.

"Are you planning to murder me or something?" I couldn't help but ask her as my anxiety got ahead of me.

She just smiled. God! This woman.

She stopped the car after some time. I think we are somewhere close to Gyeyangsan. She got out and opened the door for me.

"Lilli, seriously where are we?"

"Chill, Nini. I won't kill you."

Nini? Now I have a new name? She's being too sweet. She must have hit her head pretty badly.

"Come on." She said taking my hand and leading the way.

We climbed up some way. It was dark so I am not sure. Lilli was in front of me and she was squeezing my hand every once in a while to assure me.

"We are here." She announced. I couldn't see what was in front of me until now, because of her broad shoulders, but now... now that I see it; it's beautiful. I mean, it's like one of those magical places, you know, where you could instantly fall in love. The sky is painted with small dots and the full moon just adds beauty to it. The lights from the streets far down look so tiny as if it's a sparkle of fireflies. It's breathtaking.

"Lilli, it's beautiful." I voiced out and she chuckled.

"Hmm." She hummed.

"How do you know this place?"

"I have been here on a field trip back in high school and I fell in love with the place. I would come here sometimes when things get tough, but this is the first time I am here with someone else."

God! She's making me fall hard for her. This idiot!

"Mmmhmm!" I hummed and took a step forward. After a few minutes of silence, I spoke. "I could see where you're coming from. This place is so pretty."

"Yeah, very... pretty." She whispered, but I could see from the corner of my eyes that she was looking at me. Is she talking about the place or... me?

I let out an awkward chuckle and hugged myself due to the cold. I watched her take off her coat and put it on me. She was wearing a thin turtleneck underneath.

"What are you doing? You will catch a cold."

She smiled. "That's okay. I can't have my girl get sick."

Her what now!?

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