Chapter 27 - Let You Go

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*Third Person's POV*

Minnie and Liam were able to get the cops on time. Apprehending Daniel Kim was a task. He wasn't someone who easily accepted his defeat, but luckily, without any damage, the police were able to take him in.

The news spread like wildfire. Everyone in the country heard about the family member who tried to harm Lilli Kim and about his illegal activities -- thanks to online media. The most shocked one was Lilli's Dad. He couldn't believe his own brother, tried to kill his daughter. Lisa Manoban's name was never mentioned anywhere as if she wasn't a part of any of this ordeal.

"Lilli!" Mrs. Lee hugged her daughter and sobbed against her shoulder. Lilli's heart was filled. It was the first time she was getting to hug her mother like this. Lilli just came back from the police station after making her statement. The cops assured her that with all the crimes Daniel Kim had committed, the minimum he could expect was life imprisonment. Liam, Dal-gun, and Minnie accompanied Lilli as Tae-woong went to pick up Jennie, and Lisa watched Lilli uniting with her family without anyone noticing. She was feeling proud and overwhelmed. She was happy, but it pained her deep down.

"My daughter!" Mr. Kim hugged his daughter, and he was also in tears. He felt guilty. "I am sorry."

"No, Fa-- Dad. You didn't do anything wrong. It wasn't your fault." Lilli assured.

"I am so glad you're okay, my baby." He said, patting her head.

"I love you so much, Dad. You too, Mom." Lilli said for the first time in her life and hugged them both. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Jisoo was also crying. She was scared when she heard about the whole thing. She couldn't even think what would have happened if she was to lose her sister. Lilli consoled her as well and assured her that everything was okay. She thanked Dal-gun, Minnie, and Liam for being there for her, though the four of them knew someone else deserved that thank you more than anyone else.

Just as they were talking, Tae-woong and Jennie came in, with the short girl rushing to hug Lilli. She hugged her tight, and though Lilli was reluctant for a few seconds, she eventually reciprocated the hug, patting the girl's back to calm her. Though no one felt odd at the view, Lisa's heart dropped. She was crying. It broke her. She won't be able to hold Jennie anymore. She wouldn't get to see her gummy smile anymore. She couldn't even tell her how much she loved her. It pained her.

But unbeknownst to everyone, Jennie felt odd. Yes, she was hugging her fiancée. The same girl she was with a few hours ago, but the hug was different. It was as if she was hugging someone else. But she brushed it off because there was a much more important thing to be concerned about.

Jennie pulled out of the hug and cupped Lilli's face. "I was so scared."

"I know. I am sorry."

"Why did you leave me alone there? You should have taken me with you. What if something had happened to you?" Jennie ranted, sniffling.

Lilli wiped Jennie's tears as she spoke. "I couldn't put my girl in danger. I am sorry. But I am okay. Everything is okay."

Jennie felt assured, but she didn't feel the same way she felt when Lilli called her 'my girl' earlier. There was something indeed different, but she couldn't understand what.

All of them were happy. No one had to know about Lisa Manoban.

After a few more minutes, everyone decided to call it a night, and Lilli was excited to go see Lisa. To tell her that she was grateful for everything she did and she would be debited to Lisa for her whole life. But she came across an empty room; Lisa was gone.

But Lisa didn't go anywhere further. She was in Lilli's office. She just couldn't stay in the house any longer. She wanted to leave now that her job was over, but she wanted to say goodbye. She had been crying ever since she left the house, but now there were no more tears as if they had dried down.

"Lisa." A voice called as softly as possible, not wanting to startle her.

"Oppa? Minnie? How did you know I was here?"

"We just had a hunch." Dal-gun said and handed her an envelope. "We needed to give you this."

Lisa opened the folder to find a cheque for the money they offered. It meant it was time for her to disappear. She was no longer needed. She chuckled, shook her head, and tore it away. Both of them looked at Lisa in surprise. It pained them to see her like this. Her usual cheerful self was replaced by a vacuum.

"I just want to say goodbye to Lilli once." Her eyes pleaded, and they nodded wordlessly. Lisa gathered her things from the office as they made their way back to Kim's Residence.

Tae-woong greeted her in the living room of Lilli's unit with a heavy face. "Lisa," He called. "Dr. Baek is checking her." He stated. Lisa, Minnie, and he waited outside as Dal-gun went to Lilli. Lisa packed whatever was left of her in the unit as well.

A few minutes later, Dr. Baek came outside. She squeezed Lisa's hand and gave her a smile. "All the best."

"Thanks, Dr., and thank you for everything." With that, the Doctor left, and the trio made their way to Lilli's room. Lilli was sitting on the bed, with Dal-gun standing on her side. As Lisa entered the room, he stepped away to join the other two. They waited by the door while letting the two girls talk.

"Dal-gun Oppa said you didn't accept the check. Why?" Lilli asked after a few minutes of silence. Both of them weren't looking at the other.

"I might have agreed to this for money, but I don't think I should accept it. You helped my parents, and I helped you in return. We are even." Lisa said.

Lilli slowly got up and approached Lisa. She placed one of her hands on her bruised face with cuts that were yet to be treated. "You did so much for me, Lisa. Tell me how can I repay you."

"You don't have to. Just love the people who love you."

Lilli nodded.

"It's almost morning. I should go before anyone wakes up."

Again, she nodded.

"Take care, Lilli. Goodbye."

Lisa bowed and turned around but stopped as she remembered something.

"Lilli?" She called, turning back to the girl.


"I do have a request."

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