Chapter 7 - Second Chances

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*Lisa's POV*

We sat down at a restaurant in a far corner away from the public eye. Though it was last minute, I was able to choose somewhere nice and quiet which would definitely suit Jennie's taste.

"What do you want to eat, Jennie?" I asked her and she looked at me surprised for the nth time in the last one and a half hours.

"You'd usually order for me, though."

"Ah... right!" Maybe, Lilli knows all of Jennie's favorite dishes so she must be the one ordering always. But what if she wanted to try something different? "You know for a change, I want you to place the order Today."

"Really?" She looks like a little kid now? God, those mandu cheeks!

"Yeah!" I smiled.

The waiter took our order and I guess my thought was right; Jennie was indeed starving. She ate as if someone had starved her for a week. But she looks cute. I didn't realize I was staring at her instead of focusing on my food until she tapped the table lightly.

"You are not eating? Didn't you like the food?"

"Huh! Wh-- what? No. I-- I just forgot to eat." Great, now I am stuttering.


"Because you looked cute." I quickly zipped my mouth as soon as the words left me.

What the hell, Lisa? You are trying to flirt with someone else's fiancée.

But Jennie was blushing. Well, for her, her fiancée just complimented her. It's natural. Only if she knew!

*Jennie's POV*

Something is going on with Lilli. I mean, she changed. It's like she's not the Lilli, I used to know before. What if she's suddenly being nice to me because she needs to end all this? My mind was occupied with this thought for the rest of the breakfast and even when we made our way back home, I was still lost in thoughts. I didn't even realize the tears that started to fall until I felt Lilli's hands on my face. I didn't even notice when she stopped the car.

"Why are you crying, Jennie? Did I-- did I do something wrong?" Her voice is full of concern and I can feel the genuinity as well but it's making me feel more anxious. What if she's in love with someone else?

"Do you want to break up with me, Lilli?" I asked wiping the tears and pushing her hands away from me.

"What! Why would you think that?" She looked shocked.

I didn't say anything. She started the car again, this time turning around to a less crowded park. She got me out and made me follow her to a bridge. The place is very secluded. She took my hands as she spoke.

"Now, tell me. Why would you think I want to break up with you?" Her voice is more serious now.

I sniffled. "I know, you don't like me and you just agreed to our marriage for your grandfather. I hoped everything would eventually work out, but you are now scaring me with your actions."

"What's wrong with my actions?"

"It's strange because you've never given me flowers, never told me you missed me whenever I came back from trips, never opened the car door for me, never asked me what I would be eating; you would always order what you please, never said I was... I was cute." I whispered the last part but I am sure she heard it. "And do you realize that you have smiled at me in this short time more than you have smiled at me ever since we have known each other?" I sniffled again. "You are basically stone cold to me. Not just me, but to almost everyone, so you being like this is honestly scaring me more than I have ever been scared of you, Lilli." I said and finally looked at her. Her eyes are full of tears. I have known Lilli for a very long time and never once I have seen her crying. Is she crying because of me?

There were a few minutes of silence that none of us dared to break. We just stared at each other until Lilli broke it.


"Hmm." I slowly hummed.

"You know the accident I had?"


"I hit my head pretty badly and as a result, there are some things I can't remember no matter how much I try. And I can feel that I have changed. I just hope it's for the better. I want to do everything right from now on." She squeezed my hands. "So, can you give me one more chance? Let's start again. I will be good to you and I will prove to be a better person to you. So, will you be my girlfriend?" She finished and stared into my eyes.

Her eyes are deep. They are beautiful. I have never felt this way with you before, Lilli. Maybe we could just end it. It will be a long fight, but we could if we try. But why don't I want to? This time, as I am looking into your eyes, I feel like I want to stay, Lilli. A second chance won't hurt, right?

"Yes!" I whispered.

*Third Person's POV*

Lisa took Jennie home after the confrontation at the park. She couldn't understand where all those words come from her, but all she knew was she wanted Jennie to feel loved and happy so she didn't care or think about anything else. Lisa had always been a sensitive person mainly because of the people she grew up with. She was as pure as someone could get that she couldn't bear the pain and tears of anyone. Everyone in Kim's Residence could feel the happiness radiating from Jennie meters away. Just like Jennie, they were also surprised by Lilli's sudden change, but as Lisa mentioned to Jennie earlier, they all hoped it was for the best.

Lisa excused herself and rushed to the company. There waited people who could give her the answers she need. And she was determined to get it from them.

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