Chapter 19 - Lilli and Lisa

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*Third Person's POV*

Lisa opened the door and entered Lilli's secret room. She had been doing a nice job in keeping the place intact and looking after Lilli. She was still motionless as if the time had stopped around her. But that didn't stop Lisa from talking to her. Lisa believed that deep down, she must be knowing everything that was going on around her. She wondered if Lilli knew the person who wanted to kill her. Lisa had her share of doubts after the recent events, but she wasn't going to accuse anyone without strong evidence.

"Hey!" She whispered, although no sound would go past the shelf even if she yelled at the top of her lungs.

"I took them to the garden you mentioned in your diary. And I also made sure to take many pictures of them." Lisa said and took Lilli's hand in hers, caressing it. "Lilli," She called. "You can stop now. You don't have to shut yourself out anymore."

Lisa took her time in saying each sentence as if she was giving time for words to sink into the motionless girl.

"I can only imagine how difficult and lonely you must have felt. But like you mentioned in your diary, they didn't leave you behind because you weren't good enough. They didn't do it because you were a burden." Lisa sighed. "You need to stop blaming yourself for others' actions. Your parents are doing the same thing as well; blaming themselves."

"I am not trying to reason what they did to you. It was unacceptable, but if you keep blaming and living in the past, then you will never get to love your parents, Lilli. You need to start letting them in, Lilli. I only paved the way... but when you wake up, you are the one who will have to walk on it. You are the one who should actually walk on it."

"Always think that you are now you because of what happened. I mean, you're Lilli Kim, for God's sake. You are a role model, girl. Do you know how many people look up to you? You are a fucking hero." Lisa chuckled bitterly.

"So, stop being cold. You don't need that front anymore. You can go ahead and ask to sleep beside your parents. You can go shopping with Jisoo Unnie. You can play video games with Liam as much as you want. And you can have many many movie nights with your friends. All you have to do is to let them in and I really hope you will do it once you wake up."

"And..." Lisa struggled to let it out. "... Jennie." It was one puzzle Lisa never wanted to solve. Lisa was falling unconditionally in love with Jennie. She hoped if they'd have met in a different situation, then maybe... maybe she stood a chance.

"She, um, she really loves you, Lilli. Even after you hurt her constantly with your actions and words, she still lived with the hope that you'd change."

"You like her too, don't you? I know you do. That's why the code to this room is her birthday, right?"

Lisa bit her inner cheeks to prevent her sobs.

"I figured it out the day I came to know about her birthday that you converted it into binary code."

"Do you think Jennie deserved the coldness you showed her? No, right?"

She finally stood up. Laying Lilli properly on the bed and adjusting her blanket.

"Yah, you better be nice to her. She's an angel. You dare not to lose her. I will be watching you." Lisa said, her voice cracking.

Lisa went out, turning the lights off, not noticing the tears that fell down the cheeks of the girl in bed.


*No One's POV*

*Ring* *Ring*


"It's me."

"What is it?"

"I got it."


"I got what you asked for. The code."

"That's great! Does she suspect you?"

"What! No. She absolutely has no idea we are behind everything. She's acting as if no one tried to harm her."

"Then it's okay."

"But is it really? You know she's sly. What if she's plotting something?"

"Don't worry. No one can find anything that will link us to her death."

"So, when are you planning to get the file?"

"We need to get Lilli away, first. We can't do anything in her presence."

"Are you going to tell me what's inside that file?"


"How do you plan on getting rid of her?"

"I told you to leave that to me, didn't I?

"Yes, but--"

"Stop it. Just because you accomplished something for once in your life doesn't mean you will get to boss me around. Did you understand?"


"Good. Just wait. I will take care of everything before the annual board meeting. I will give you what I promised."


"Meet me tomorrow at our usual spot. Will discuss further."


*call disconnected*

The antagonist's monologue:- You just wait, Lilli. I will destroy you before you even get a chance to think about me. You are going to be shredded once you know the betrayal of the person whom you deeply care about.

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