Chapter 28 - Goodbye

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*Third Person's POV*

"I do have a request." Lisa said.

"What is it?" Lilli asked enthusiastically, ready to fulfill any of her wishes.

"Take care of Jennie." Lilli looked into the other girl's eyes. Her voice was cracking, and her eyes were filled with tears. "She loves you so much. Please don't hurt her. Promise me you will always keep her happy."

Lilli sighed. "I promise."

Lisa smiled bitterly as she took her leave.

Oblivious to everyone in the room, Jennie heard everything.

A few minutes back...
Jennie couldn't sleep. She twisted and turned in her bed and sighed for the nth time. She was feeling anxious, and she wanted to see Lilli. As she was about to go in, she saw Dal-gun and Minnie coming in with Lilli. They didn't notice Jennie. But the girl's face confused her. It had small cuts all over, which weren't there before. She was also wearing the same dress she wore for their date. She was worried, so she quickly approached them, only to stop in her tracks when she heard the tall guy calling her Lisa.


Not Lilli, but Lisa. That's when Jennie started to question everything and found herself near the window of Lilli's room. She was in a place where she could see them all, but none of them spotted her. Everything was clear to her when she saw the two girls together.

It wasn't Lilli.

The one who smiled at her, made her heart flutter, made her feel butterflies, made her feel at home, and made her fall in love, wasn't Lilli. It was her, Lisa. Jennie couldn't hold her tears. She wasn't angry or agitated. She was sad that she couldn't love her as her. The one who showed her so much happiness was now hurting, and she could see it in her eyes. It killed Jennie.

Take care of Jennie.
Promise me you will always keep her happy.

Lisa's words send multiple stabs to her heart. She wanted to run to her, but her mind and heart were conflicted.

She quietly sobbed as she watched Lisa leave.

"Are you sure you don't want to see Jennie?" Dal-gun asked Lisa. She shook her head.

"It was Lilli whom she loved. There's no Lisa Manoban for her. It should stay like that for her to be happy."

"But, Lisa--" Minnie was going to speak, but she cut her off.

"I will be happy if she's happy." She chuckled bitterly. "Oppa," She called Tae-woong. "Don't be too oblivious to Minnie's feelings. She likes you just the way you like her. You will make a cute couple as well. Okay?"

Tae-woong nodded, chuckling, fighting his tears. Minnie was already crying, so she hugged her. "Take care, Lisa."

"I will." She pulled out of the hug and looked at Dal-gun. "Oppa,"

"Hmm?" He hummed, looking everywhere else but her.

"Go to the cafe opposite our company this Saturday. I have something for you." He looked at her in confusion. "It's something that you really cherish. I want you to hold on to it and be happy."

He nodded and pulled her for a hug. Lisa, who tried not to cry all this while, sobbed against his chest. He was also in tears. It hurt him to see her like this.

They stayed like that for a few minutes before pulling away.

"I am going to miss you. All of you. Lilli, Mom, Dad, Jisoo Unnie, Liam, this house, company, and... Jennie." Lisa whispered the last part, but they all heard it. She sniffled. "I should go."

"I will drop you." Dal-gun offered. Lisa shook her head.

"It's a goodbye, Oppa. Take care of yourself. Maybe we will meet somewhere else." She said, turning around, but stopped as she saw a figure in front of her.

"Liam?" She called.

"Are you leaving?" He asked, and Lisa nodded. "Lilli?"

"Don't worry. She doesn't know anything. She shouldn't."

He nodded and looked at the three behind Lisa.

"They won't tell her either. It's my word. She cares a lot about you. She will start to blame herself again if she knew. Be a good brother to her for the rest of your life, Liam. That's the only way for you to repent." Lisa said and he nodded.

As she walked past him, he called her again.



"You are a very good person." He said before walking away, and Lisa smiled.

The trio walked her to the gate. She bowed, said goodbye one last time, and walked away, parting ways forever. Jennie watched everything from afar, sobbing quietly, not understanding what to do.

Lisa's heart throbbed for the other girl, but she knew she had to control it and learn to deal with it. It was probably the last time she'd be seeing her, and she might have to deal with it for the rest of her life that Jennie always belonged to Lilli.

But... God had other plans.

Three weeks later...

*Lisa's POV*

It's been three weeks since everything happened. Daniel Kim's trial was Yesterday. He was charged with multiple sections and was found guilty without a doubt. He's going to serve life imprisonment. Lilli's face is still unknown to the world, so I can still roam around freely.

My Mom is doing very well now. She still needs to follow medications, but she improved a lot. My Dad's health also improved, so now he sometimes goes to give a hand to his friend who's running a gimbap shop. I lost my job at the restaurant but I am working at a cafe. It's a very popular place, mainly due to the scenery it offers.

I am now at my workplace. It's just me here. Sometimes, our cafe gets booked for birthday or anniversary parties or gatherings and so on. This time, it's an engagement. My Boss said the client asked for only one employee to be present since some big shot is attending the event. And since I didn't have any plans, I volunteered. According to my Boss, the guests will start arriving at 5 and the function is at 6. It's going to be 5 in a couple of minutes, so any time from now, people will come in.

I was just cleaning the glasses and listening to music when one particular song started playing, which reminded me of a cat-eyed girl. It was her favorite song. I miss Jennie. Like really, really miss her, but I need to face reality. I was still thinking about Jennie when I heard the door to the cafe open and three people came in, but... wait! Mom? Dad? Jisoo Unnie?


I immediately turned around so that they don't see my face. Luckily, I was wearing a cap, so they wouldn't have noticed it. I got a mask from the front drawer and wore it. Now, only my eyes are visible.

What are they doing here?

Don't tell me... the engagement... it's Lilli's.

Shit! Out of all places, why here? Why are you being this cruel, God? It's too late to run out now. They took the seat by the window. Mom and Dad, on one side, Jisoo Unnie on the other. I placed the glasses on the tray as I watched them. I admit I have missed them, too. They were like my parents, and anyone would be blessed to have a sister like Jisoo Unnie. I poured the welcome drink and went to serve them. They were quiet and didn't seem to notice me. I placed the drinks in front of them, bowed, and was about to leave when...

"How long do you plan to keep quiet?"

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