Chapter 24 - In Trouble

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*Third Person's POV*

"I love you." Jennie whispered against Lisa's lips. The short girl's senses filling with adoration for the other girl. Her heart throbbed with the desire to feel the tall girl's lips on hers.

And Lisa wanted it too. All she wanted to do at that moment was to grab Jennie and kiss her. Her mind screamed to go for it, but her heart refused. She couldn't do it. Jennie further leaned in a bit more. Their lips were not even an inch apart. Each could feel the other's breath on them and just one slight move was all it would have taken, but before any of them could, the phone in Lisa's hand started ringing. Both girls mentally cussed, but a part of Lisa was thankful for that call.

She phished out the phone and the caller ID somewhat surprised her. It was Liam. He usually never calls. However, she was greeted with an edited voice as she answered the call, which made her anxious.

"Hello? Liam?"

"Lilli Kim."

"Who's this?"

"You don't have to know that. What you need to know is what will happen to your brother if you don't show up at the location I am about to send you, in an hour."

"What do you--?"

"If you don't, you will never see him alive again."

"Where do you want me to come?"

"I will share the location. Leave your little girlfriend there and come alone. And don't even dare to call your dogs. I want you, only you, here."

*call disconnected*

"Hel-- hello? Fuck."

Jennie was intently watching Lisa as the latter's face changed from serious to frustration to anger to fear.

"What's wrong, Lilli?"

"Huh!?" For a moment Lisa forgot the presence of Jennie there.

"Nothing, Jen. Something urgent came up in the company."


"Jen, can you promise me something?" Lis asked cupping the short girl's face.

Jennie looked into those dark brown orbs.

"I want you to stay here. Don't go anywhere else. Don't contact anyone else. Just stay here. Can you do that?"

"Lilli, what's wrong?"

"Please, Baby. Promise me." Lisa begged. The expression on Lisa's face almost broke Jennie. She had never seen the girl so vulnerable before.

She nodded wordlessly.

"Don't worry. Nothing will happen." Lisa assured. But she wasn't quite sure about what would happen to her. It was an empty promise, yet valuable at the same time.

In the meantime, back at Lilli's unit...

Lilli opened her eyes suddenly, squinting because of the light. Her oxygen mask was long removed. She took off the remaining wires attached to her and attempted to sit straight. But her whole body felt jelly. It took her some time to sit up and have a tight grip on the bed. Her head was throbbing as memories flooded her vision. She remembered everything that happened on the night of the accident. Oddly enough, she also remembers a girl named Lisa who apparently looks exactly like her.

Lilli remembered the girl's voice, and everything she told her was etched into her mind. She couldn't have even guessed it was possible. Her eyes filled with tears as regret, and adoration and gratefulness for the other girl filled her heart. The last thing she remembered was that the girl went to her beach house with her fiancée.

She got up from her bed, still her head hurting, and proceeded towards the small shelf in the room. As she was about to open it, she heard footsteps approaching. She turned around to find the man who wanted to get rid of her. Apparently, he also seemed to be surprised to see her there.

"Uncle? How did you get in?" Lilli asked struggling to let her voice out -- her voice slightly hoarse.

"Lilli? I thought you were in the beach house." Daniel Kim questioned back.

"That doesn't answer my question." She said crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well, you see, Lilli, none of this would have happened if you just-- " He said as he approached her slowly but in a swift move digged the syringe into her body near her collarbone. Her light body, already accommodated with medications, easily gave into the sedative.

During this while, Lisa approached her destination alone. She knew this was a stupid idea and that she shouldn't come here alone at all. But her mind was messed up that she couldn't think straight of anything.

The place was an open ground and she saw a car parked in the center. She got out of her car and approached the vehicle. She looked through the mirror to see there was one else in the car, but Liam who was laying unconscious in the back seat. She quickly opened the door and pulled him to sit.

"Liam! Liam!" She called. She looked around to see if anyone else was there, but there weren't any signs of humans around.

Lisa turned around and phished out her phone to finally call the guys when she felt a sting on her neck. She could feel the fluid slowly entering her body through the needle. She collapsed to the ground, and the last thing she saw before closing her eyes was Lilli's brother standing in front of her with the needle in his hands.

Fuck! I never thought it would come to this. That's what Lisa thought before she finally closed her eyes, losing her consciousness.

The greatest betrayal always comes from your most loved ones.

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