Chapter 13 - Dance With Me

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*Jennie's POV*

I have been at this party for an hour now, but Lilli is nowhere to be seen. Uncle said she promised that she will come. Luckily, Joo-hyun, her fiancée, and Jungkook is here to keep me company. I would have been bored to death without them. Of course, Dal-gun Oppa, Tae-woong Oppa, and Minnie are here as well. But I have hardly seen them, they had this expression on them like they are on an undercover mission. Something is going on for sure with them. I wonder if it's--

"Hey, Earth to Jen." Joo-hyun called waving her hands in front of me.

"Girl, where are you?" Seul-gi, Joo-hyun's fiancée asked.

"I was just... thinking."

"Don't tell me it's about Lilli again!" Seul-gi said with a dramatic expression.

"Cut some slack, Man. Girl got called cute by her fiancée for the first time." Jungkook said and made a high-five with Joo-hyun.

"SHE CALLED YOU WHAT!!" Seul-gi exclaimed making a few of the guests look at us. I was about to talk, but she didn't stop there. "Jen, something is wrong. That can't be Lilli. You are getting cheated. It must be an imposter. We need to call the cops." She began ranting, earning a smack on her shoulder from Joo-hyun.

"Don't scare her like that, Babe."

"I was just messing with her. But I am happy for you Jen. You have always wanted her to love you." It's true. Lilli is like my first love. I have always felt bad for Lilli that she had to stay alone abroad.

Our parents used to visit each other's house so often to get Liam and me acquainted in the past, but my purpose to go was to see her. I had a huge crush on her though I never told her. Of course, I have dated a few others back in school and all, but Lilli was always special. She was cold since then, but it was okay because I was sure one day she'd change. But I never believed I would be able to take it if we were to get married. And I could feel it now; it's as if she's a new person now.

"Hey, look it's Lilli." Jungkook pointed and there she was walking towards us with that not-so-familiar smile. I am yet to get used to her smile, but she's as charming as ever. She was wearing a white suit with red borders and God, it looked perfect on her, but... since when does she like bangs?

"Hey!" She greeted us all.

"Man! You are fine." Jungkook said as he hugged her. "I just got back Today that's why I couldn't see you sooner."

"That's‐‐ that's okay."

Next to greet her was Joo-hyun. She is more like Jisoo Unnie; caring and protective.

"Since when do you have bangs, Girl." Seul-gi asked and why do I feel like she only noticed that now? Lilli is always careful about her appearance. She says if you want someone to respect you, then you should look respectable. So, she always pays attention to such things.

"Ah-- Um-- I-- I-- I wanted to try something different."

"Last time when Jennie told you you will look good in bangs, you yelled at her." Jungkook warned and I had to look down.

"Really?" What!! She doesn't remember that? "Yeah, right. You know, I was just being unreasonable. Sorry, Jen."

What! Jen!!! Oh my God. I think I am going to faint. Someone, please catch me.

We all chatted for a couple more minutes. Usually, Lilli would be on her 4th glass of whiskey by now, but she hasn't touched any so far. Something is definitely going on. I wish she would figure it out whatever it is sooner.

*Third Person's POV*

Halfway to the party, the mood changed. The slow, soothing instrumental music suddenly changed to pop as 'Perfect' started playing in the background. Daniel Kim came to the center, which somewhat formed a stage, with a beautiful woman in black and they started moving elegantly along with the music. Lisa could say he was a romantic person. She was actually grateful for the change so that she actually had something to focus on other than drooling over Jennie, but with the girl right next to her, it was almost impossible.

It didn't take much time for others to join Daniel and the women. Joo-hyun and Seul-gi were the first, followed by Jungkook and Liam, each grabbing some girl at the party. Lisa watched Minnie looking at Tae-woong hopefully, but the tall guy is oblivious when it comes to her. What made Lisa truly happy was when Lilli's parents joined the group. She was reminded of her parents, back when they were still healthy enough to have late-night talks and cuddles after Lisa went to sleep. It made her tear up a little, but she was happy that her parents were happy and probably they didn't have any regrets. She looked over to her side to see Jennie looking at the dancing couples in awe. Lisa couldn't help but admire the angel beside her. At that moment, she wished she was just Lisa Manoban and the girl was just Jennie Kim and not Lilli's fiancée. It was obvious to Lisa that Jennie wanted to join the couple and if it will make Jennie happy, Lisa was even ready to cross seven oceans. Well, you see, after all, she was a hopeless romantic in love.

"Jen, I will be back soon." Lisa whispered in the short girl's ears.


Lisa didn't wait for Jennie's reply as she disappeared into the crowd.

Moments passed and Jennie was lost in the music and the movements of couples that she didn't realize the tall girl had come back. Suddenly the music changed and some melodious piece by Ravel started to play in the background. All the couples stopped dancing and looked around until their eyes stopped on the magnificent brunette with doe-eyes standing with a rose in her hand. That's when Jennie turned her head to find Lisa, or Lilli standing there with a lively smile. Her eyes were filled with adoration for the short girl. Jennie's eyes widened at the sight. It was something she had dreamed of but never thought would have been possible.

"Lilli, what is this?" Jennie asked softly, ignoring her red cheeks.

"Oh, this! I was just looking around and well, this flower asked me who's the prettiest girl at this party so, I thought I will take it to meet you." Lisa said with that mischievous look on her face and Jennie almost passed out. Now, that might be a very lame attempt, but Jennie was blushing furiously so it's a win anyways.

Lisa handed the flower over to Jennie which the latter gladly accepted and mouthed a 'thank you'.

"Just a thank you?" Lisa asked innocently. Jennie arched an eyebrow in confusion. "Well," Lisa shrugged her shoulders and give out her hand. "Why don't you grant me a dance?"

Jennie nodded furiously as she took the tall girl's hand. The latter slowly guided Jennie to the dance floor as 'A Thousand Years' started playing. It wasn't the normal version; it was more slow and emotional which just added beauty to the moment. Everyone on the dance floor who knew Lilli was utterly surprised, but still, no one dared to question it because it was Lilli Kim and she always does what she feels. Only three of the guests knew the truth and were somehow feeling concerned. However, oblivious to all of them, two pairs of eyes were watching the girls who were lost in their own world.

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