Chapter 22 - Hope And The Things Left To Do

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*Third Person's POV*

Lisa plopped onto the leather couch in Lilli's office. Her face had a heavy expression and her mind was a mix of things.

She was happy about what Doctor said Yesterday, but at the same time, it hurt and scared her.


[To Yesterday when Dal-gun and Lisa were in Lilli's secret room]

"Lisa!" The short guy called out seeing a hint of movement in the motionless girl. Lilli's monitors started to constantly beep and the numbers were changing. Dal-gun phished out his phone as fast as he could and called Dr. Baek. The woman rushed as soon as she could upon hearing the news.

"Were you guys talking to her about something?" Dr. Baek inquired about the two surprised faces in the room. Lilli's monitors have gone back to normal.

Both of them didn't answer. They looked at the Doctor to tell them why?

"She must have gotten emotional or something. Her BP elevated, but it's normal now and since there's a beginning of movement in her, we can hope for good news soon."


It was indeed a happy news for Lisa, but did she feel fully happy? No. Lilli waking up would mean that it was time for Lisa to go and she wasn't ready; not to let go of Jennie at least.

She wanted to hug someone and cry, but she didn't know whom to turn to. She wanted to run to her best friend, but the best advice Chaeyoung would give her was to end all this at the earliest, and Lisa was not ready to do that.

She was feeling agonized and lost in thoughts when the door to her office opened and a very cheerful Minnie came in.

"Lis, I got coffee for you." She said, excitement brimming in her voice.

"Thanks!" Lisa tried to return the same happiness, and she was able to make it to some level since the other girl was on cloud nine.

"So what did you say to her?"

"What?" Lisa asked in confusion.

"Lilli. Dal-gun Oppa said you were talking to her when she moved. What did you tell her?"

"Ah-- just-- just about things."

"I feel so happy, you know. Lilli's going to be back." Minnie said almost jumping.

Lisa hummed and smiled, but she felt pang after pang in her heart.

"Minnie." After a few minutes of silence, she called.


"I want you to do something for me. But Dal-gun Oppa shouldn't know it." She said in all seriousness.

"What is it, Lisa?"

"I want you to find someone."


"Go Hae-ri."

"What!?" Minnie was surprised. "How do you know that name?"

"Lilli's diary."

"Oh!" After a short pause, she continued. "I can look for her but I don't think it will be easy. He hurt her pretty bad."

"I know. I also know he did it for her safety so I want to try. Not as Lisa, but as Lilli."

Minnie knew there was no point in arguing. Deep down she also wished that Dal-gun got back together with his ex. He loved the girl very much, but due to his temper and overprotectiveness towards Lilli, his life got in trouble many times. So, to save her from that hurt, he broke up with her.

"Fine. I will find her."

"At the earliest." Lisa requested.

"Two days maximum." Minnie responded before going back to her daily routine.

A couple of days later...

*Jennie's POV*

After what I felt like an eternity, Lilli asked me out on a date. She has become a bit distant lately. Not the old cold self, but something different. She looks dull, always lost in thoughts. It came to me as a surprise when she asked for a date. I mean, though I am her fiancée, we have never been on any dates. Well, we have been to dinners together several times, but it was more like a responsibility, and Lilli never initiated anything.

So, this is our first date and I feel so lost now because I can't figure one damn thing.

"So, why did you call us?" Joo-hyun asked. I called her, Minnie, and Jisoo Unnie to help me out since they know what Lilli likes. I called Dal-gun Oppa as well, but he didn't sound quite happy about our date so he bailed out.

"Lilli is taking me out on a date Today." I whispered, but they heard it.

"Oh, that's a first." Jisoo Unnie commented and I nodded.

Joo-hyun smiled and went to my closet. "Say no more. We got you, right, Minnie?"

Minnie seemed to be snapped back to reality. "Ah-- ye-- yes."

"Unnie, start with her hair. We will figure out an outfit by then." Joo-hyun said as Jisoo Unnie nodded and started doing my hair.

"So... where are you guys going?" Minnie asked. She looks disturbed.

"I don't have any idea. She only said I will love it."

"She changed very much, isn't she?" Joo-hyun asked.

"Tell me about it." Jisoo Unnie agreed.

"She used to be too scary and cold. But she's so sweet now." I said quietly, just loud enough for them to hear.

"Who do you like the most?" Minnie asked.

"What!? You are asking as if that's two different people." I questioned.

"No-- nothing-- nothing like that. I was-- I was just curious."

"Well, though Lilli was cold to me in the past, I knew she was loyal and she would protect me always. And maybe one day she will also start caring about me. But now, she's so nice to me. Caring and treating me so gently. I think I like this Lilli more."

I said, and why do I feel like Minnie looks sad? Did something happen? Did I say something wrong?

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