Chapter 8 - Knowing Lilli

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*Third Person's POV*

"We need to talk." Lisa said to the trio as soon as they got out of the meeting. Her voice had a kind of seriousness that none of them expected.

Minnie had to cancel the rest of Lilli's appointments as Lisa wouldn't even budge without getting an answer to her questions.

"What do you want to know?" Dal-gun asked, sighing before plopping himself on the couch at the corner of Lilli's office. Tae-woong took a seat on the other far end, Minnie sat on the chair in front of Lilli's desk and Lisa stood leaning on the wall with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Everything about Lilli." She took a deep breath. "Who's she actually? What's her relationship with Jennie? Why is she scared of her? Why is the rest of the members of her family scared of her?"

The trio looked at each other before the boys' eyes fixed on Minnie. She sighed as she started talking. "If you ask about Lilli to anyone, you will get a different answer from everyone. There's a Lilli that the world knows, then there's one her family and friends see, but both are fake. No one has ever seen the real Lilli; you could feel her beneath all that coldness, but she covers her up pretty well." Tae-woong and Dal-gun kept their heads down as if they were lost in their own thoughts, but Lisa knew they were very much listening. "Me, Lilli, Joo-hyun, and Jungkook were classmates since middle school. Her problems with the family began even before then." After a short pause, she continued, "Lilli and Liam were born in Canada and they both grew up there till they were seven. But Uncle and Aunt brought only Liam back to Korea and Lilli was set to live with their family friends there. You can imagine the problems one will have to face alone in an unknown place. She was treated like an outcast so she was constantly bullied and abused which resulted in her shutting off her emotions."

"Lilli was and still is someone very mature for her age. She was brought back to Korea to go to middle school here, but she shut every one of her life." Tae-woong spoke after a few minutes of silence.

"I and Joo-hyun became friends with her after she helped us from our bullies. It took a while for her to open up to us, but once we knew we have never left her. Jungkook too. There are many things Lilli keeps from us, but she treats us right; like a family." Minnie said and Lisa saw her eyes getting teary.

"What about Oppas? How did you...?"

"You see we are much older than Lilli. We both never had a family. We grew up in an orphanage and we were thrown out of there as soon as we hit puberty. We got into the wrong gang and started using and selling drugs. Lilli was the one who helped us. She was still in middle school, but she saved us. What we are Today is because of her! For the world, she may be a cold and short-tempered CEO, but for us, she's our little sister and we will do everything in our power to protect her." Tae-woong was the one to speak again.

Lisa wanted to cry. She wanted to rush to Lilli and hug her and tell her that it was all okay. The only thought that went through her mind was that, if Lilli was her sister, she'd have stayed with her and fought with her. Lisa would have never let anyone lay a finger on her. Her heart bled for Lilli. You see, Lisa was that kind of person.

"What's the deal with, Jennie?" Lisa asked quietly.

"Lilli's grandfather." Minnie spoke again. "She was brought when he fell sick so she cared about him a lot. Jennie's grandfather and he had been friends since childhood; together for everything through thick and thin. It was their wish to marry Jennie's Mom to Lilli's father, but they fell in love with different people and got married against their parent's wishes." Minnie got up from her seat to grab the glass of water at the desk. "Of course, their fathers were mad so to make them accept their marriage, both parents swore that they will marry their children off to each other. First, the plan was to marry off Jennie to Liam, however, she came out as gay which left everyone in dismay. That was around when they found out both Jisoo Unnie and Lilli were also into girls. Since Lilli was the same age as Jennie; their marriage was fixed." She took the seat back as she continued, "It was her grandfather's last wish on death bed, and no matter what Lilli would fulfill it. She never goes back on her words. Whether or not anyone likes it or not; Lilli will get married to Jennie. It won't even matter if they had or will have an actual relationship. "

Lisa felt another pang in her heart. But this time other was different. She didn't know why or how she was feeling it, but it hurt.

"Is there anything else you want to know?" Minkie asked after a few more minutes of silence as she saw the younger girl's face was dropping. Lisa shook her head, no.

The trio got up to leave and Dal-gun spoke for the first time in what felt like an eternity.
"Lisa, Lilli doesn't have the luxury of what you have the most." Lisa looked at him questioningly. "Love," He continued, "What her family feels for her is not fear; its guilt! Maybe you can make her realize the difference between the two." He said as they walked out, leaving Lisa to her thoughts.

Lisa was even more determined. If there was something she could do, she would make sure to do it.

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