Chapter 5 - Jennie?

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*Lisa's POV*

We are all sitting in for dinner now. Those three, Dal-gun Oppa, Tae-woong Oppa, and Minnie left me here alone, saying they had to take care of some other things. I tried to lock myself in Lilli's room, but her sister came to call me for dinner. Well, she wasn't exactly calling me, it was more like begging me. She seemed scared of Lilli. But why? Mr. Kim is sitting at the head of the table and me to his right and then Lilli's brother. To Mr. Kim's left Mrs. Lee and Ms. Kim.

The table was full of various side dishes, even though I work at a restaurant, I have never seen this many side dishes at a single table. Rich people things, Man. I only took a small bite of the meat and it melted in my mouth. It must be of great quality and it was very well cooked.

"Wow!! This tastes amazing." I couldn't help but voice out, which made everyone look at me. They were looking at me confused. Maybe since Lilli eats the same kind of food every day they might not have expected her to react that way.

"What did you say?" Mrs. Lee asked.

"I-- I mean, it-- it tastes really good. Why?"

"Nothing. It's just-- you never really talk like that."

Oh, dammit!

"Ah, everyone likes a change, right?"

Mrs. Lee nodded.

"Did you cook it, Mom?" I asked as I saw her eyes getting teary. She nodded again. "I loved it," I said with more composure. I felt like Lilli's sister gave their mother a squeeze on her hand underneath the table because they looked at each other, and smiled warmly before turning their gaze to me. Mr. Kim also seemed to be surprised, but happy and Lilli's brother looked like he doesn't care about anything at all besides food. He's making me remind of my best friend. And thank God the rest of the dinner went well, except for the time when Mr. Kim asked me for a favor or rather requested.

"Jennie called." He started. "She's flying in tomorrow since her shoot is over. Is it okay to ask you to go pick her up? She will be happy." Mr. Kim asked.

Jennie? Who's that? Minnie never mentioned anyone to me.

"Sure!" I said as I munched the meat. They looked surprised at my response.

As I lay down on the bed, my mind kept going back to my parents. Dr. Baek promised that she will take care of my Mom, but I feel anxious. Seeing how this family cares for Lilli is making me miss my parents. But I have got a job to finish. Oh, that's right. I need to call Minnie.

I got up, phished out Lilli's phone, and dialed Minnie's number. She picked up at the second ring.

"What's wrong, Lisa?" She asked as soon as picked up and I can hear hard rock music behind me.

"Nothing is wrong. But it could be. Who's Jennie?"

"What happened?"

"Mr. Kim asked me to pick her up from the airport tomorrow during dinner, but I don't who she's."

"She's your fiancée." She said statically.


"I mean, Lilli's. She's Lilli's fiancée."

"Oh, God. Then did I mess up with agreeing to pick her up tomorrow?"

"No, you did well. It's okay. We will talk tomorrow. Get some rest and keep an eye on Lilli."

"Okay. Good night."

She disconnected the call. Well, she can be rude sometimes.

I lay down on the bed again, but it's so lonely here. I already cleaned up Lilli and checked everything Dr. Baek asked me to so I don't have anything left to do. Still, I went to Lilli.

"Hey! I can sit here right." I asked her as I got in. Well, she can't respond, you idiot! "You must be getting bored here, right? Me too." I said again as I took a seat beside her. I didn't know what to do so I looked around the room; it looks like a hotel room. "You have a nice family, Lilli. They were all really concerned about you." I sighed. "You know, it's making me miss my parents. But, why do I feel like they are scared of you, Lilli? What's really your relationship with your family? And what about this Jennie girl?"

*Third Person's POV*

Dal-gun and Tae-woong approached the girls sitting blankly at the table as soon as Minnie got off the phone.

"Who was it?" Dal-gun inquired.


"Hmm." He hummed.

"Is there any lead?" Dr. Baek asked, hopefully.

"No. The driver is still missing. But there's someone we could suspect." Tae-woong said. The same name popped up in everyone's mind, but no one dared to voice it out without solid proof. "What about Lisa? Why did she call? Is there any problem?" He asked to ease the tension.

"No. Jennie is coming tomorrow. Uncle asked if Lilli could pick her up."

"She accepted?" The tall man with narrow eyes asked again.


Both men nodded. After a few minutes of silence, Minnie spoke.

"I now understand why you let her stay there alone." She said to Dal-gun.

"Lisa Manoban could benefit us in many ways than we thought." Tae-woong agreed.

The group fell into silence again and Dal-gun broke it this time. "Maybe, just maybe, Lisa could get back what Lilli lack in her life." He said and the group agreed.

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