Chapter 4 - Changed

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*Lisa's POV*

"Lilli!!" Ms. Bae Joo-hyun hugged me as soon as I came into the room. "Thank God, you are okay. I was worried."

It was so awkward to be hugged by someone as beautiful as her, especially when you are single and gay as hell. So, pulled out of the hug and spoke. "Yeah, I am fine. Thanks for worrying about me, Joohyun-ah." I said awkwardly.

"Joo-hyun?" The woman in front of me asked raising an eyebrow. Oh, no. Don't tell me it's not Bae Joo-hyun. But they told me Ms. Bae was waiting. Is there another Ms. Bae?

"Y-yeah. Why-- why?"

"You never call me that." She said and I slightly tilted my head to Minne and found her mouthing something to me. I chuckled nervously.

"Of-- of course, I know that. I just felt like it, Hy-- Hyun-ah?" God! Please let it be it. She smiled warmly indicating, I got it right.

"I thought you hit your head or something." She giggled. We talked for some more minutes, without me managing to get nervous until Minnie informed me that it was time for my meeting. Joo-hyun Unnie excused herself as we head to the meeting.

It was exhausting. I had to individually greet everyone and assure them that I was completely fine. Usually, it was all positive vibes, but I feel odd somewhere. Maybe it's just me. The meetings were full of numbers and words I hardly recognized. I finished two bottles of water because I had to pretend that I was listening to everything they said, thinking. After what felt like an eternity, the meeting ended.

"I hope you will take our proposal into consideration, Ms. Kim. We are really looking forward to working with Kim Corp." One of the gentlemen said, offering his hand.

Composure, Lisa. I told myself.

"Yeah. Let me go through everything again and we will let you know at the earliest." I shook his hand and said blankly. I don't need to be taught how to act. I was the main character for all the dramas our club conducted back in school. But I never thought I'd have to act in life.

After the hectic day in the office, they took me to my house, well, Lilli's house. As I imagined, it was not a house, it was a mansion. It's big not in terms of height, but width; it's vast. It is built in a combination of ancient Korean and Japanese architecture. Something I heard Mr. Kim was fond of in the past and of course, Lilli made many major changes. As far as what I have heard from the three with me, Lilli calls the shots in the Kim household. Of course, she considers everyone's suggestion, but no one dares to speak against her. She has her unit in this house and no one is allowed to go there without her permission, not even her family members which I found really weird. There's a separate entry and exit to Lilli's unit, which means anything can happen there without the rest of the family members' notice.

We were greeted by Tae-woong Oppa at the entrance and he and Dal-gun Oppa shared some signs probably regarding shifting Lilli.

As I got in, Mrs. Lee Min-jae, I mean, my Mom rushed to me and hug me. I am suddenly reminded of my Mom. I wonder how she's doing. I almost cried, but I felt her sobbing against my chest so I brought my hand around her and soothed her back. I watched as Mr. Kim, and Ms. Kim Jisoo approach us. All the house workers came to present themselves in the living room and they stayed bowing. What is this, Joseon Era? Is this how the rich live?

We finally pulled out of the hug and her eyes were teary and red. "Oh, my Lilli. You are okay. I was so worried." She said caressing my face. Her lips were trembling. I could say she was so concerned. Why wouldn't she, it's her kid after all!

I just smiled. It was overwhelming.

"Come on, Honey. She looks perfect." Mr. Kim said as he approached us and patted my head.

"You are right, Dad." Lilli's sister said as she came closer to me and caressed my hand. "We were just waiting for you, Lilli. We got worried because these three idiots choose nothing to tell us." She said pointing at the three behind me.

I chuckled nervously. I should say something, shouldn't I? "Ah, you know how they can be, Unnie."


Oh, shit! What now?


"I am just surprised. You always call me by my name."

"Yea-- yeah, right. I-- I just wanted to call you, Unnie. It's the right thing to do, right Mom? Dad?"

"You do realize it's the first time you called us that too, right? You would always call us Father and Mother (Abeoji and Eomeoni in Korean)." Shit! I should have just called them that. But, I couldn't because I was reminded of my parents.

"Don't pressure her, Honey. She can call us anything she wants as long as it's not something inappropriate, right Baby?" Mrs. Lee said sarcastically and I just smiled nervously. Somehow, I got out of it.

"Sister!!!!" A deep voice called suddenly and someone tugged me into a bear hug. I could hardly breathe. Is he trying to kill me? He finally pulled away and I saw that it was Mr. Kim Liam. "You are fine." He said and was about to hug me again, but luckily Lilli's sister got in the middle.

"Liam, don't hug her like that. She needs rest." Thank you so much, Ms. Kim.

"You are right. Go, Dear. Go and rest. We will get you something to eat. You should eat well. You seem like you lost so much weight in just a few days." Lilli's Mom said and I nodded.

My guide trio took me to Lilli's unit. The rest of the house seems to be bold and sophisticated while her unit is simple and elegant. It is huge as if the unit itself is another house.

As soon as we got into the room I am supposed to stay in, Dal-gun Oppa spoke. "Did you get her settled?"

Huh! Who are they talking about? Lilli?

Tae-woong Oppa nodded, as he locked the room door and took me to the large bookshelf in the room. He moved the books from the second shelf from the top, revealing a screen, and typed a code. Dal-gun Oppa asked me to byheart the code.


As he pressed the code, the shelf split revealing a passage. Who is this, Lilli? The Batwoman of Korea or something? We followed the passage and it led us to a fully furnished room, and I saw Lilli laying in the queen-sized bed there were wires and fluids connected to her. I wonder how the ones I met before are going to react if they see her like this.

"Protecting her is your top most priority, Lisa. Not getting caught comes after." Dal-gun Oppa said and I nodded.

What did I get myself into?

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