⚽️Chapter 1⚽️

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A/N: Before we start, I just wanna say that I have little to no knowledge about soccer and I'm doing this as best as I can. That is why I will apologize now if I wrote something and it makes absolutely no sense or if it's completely impossible to do. 😅

I hope I can write this story on a decent scale and please correct me if I do something wrong. 😭

Also, some parts may be different or not included because I will be using the manga to make this story. There will most definitely be spoilers too and probably/most likely some from Tokyo Revenges, so proceed with caution!

I'll try to add the Blue Lock Additional Time and hopefully I don't put them in the wrong order...I'll also make a few of my own (maybe)

Warning: Spoilers, violence (?), and cursing! Warning will not be repeated!


Staring ahead with a bored expression, the teenager remained unblinking as his surroundings slowly faded to darkness and he stood alone.

He continued to stand, almost as if he were a statue, but suddenly, a voice yelled in his ear, making him wince as he was brought back to reality.

"Hey! Sano Y/n! What do you have to say about this match? Are you confident that your team will be taking the win? What are your thoughts on it?" A reporter asked.

Y/n's expression slowly turned to annoyance as he squinted his eyes, not enjoying the flashing lights in his face and the people who swarmed him, shoving their cameras and microphones at him.

Sure, he enjoyed attention most of the time and searched for praise from others, but he had not awoken not too long ago and all he wants to do is get the whole ordeal over with. Also, he's still sour about the fact that someone had been yelling in his ear for the past few minutes and still continued to do so.

"I'm here to win. I'm trying to make it quick too because I want to go to sleep." Y/n finally spoke.

"How can you be so confident? Do you think your opponents are weak? Or do you believe your abilities surpass them?"

"Both." Y/n simply said, a yawn escaping his mouth.

As the reporters continued to swarm him, he prayed for someone to save him. It's like his plead was heard because a few security guards pushed through the crowd and surrounded Y/n, keeping the reporters at a certain distance so Y/n could easily make his way through.

"Y/n, I told you not to wander off. It took me too long to find you and you don't have much time until the game starts." Someone crossed their arms, staring at the boy with a frown as he came out from the crowd.

A few people passing by looked at the male with curious and slightly tense expressions, observing how tall he was and the black-inked tattoo that resided on his scalp.

Ryuguji Ken
Aka Draken
Age 17

"It's fine, Ken-chin. I'm sure nothing will go wrong." Y/n waved off as he jumped onto the boy's back.

"Y/n. Get off. You have to go get ready." Draken's eye twitched as he attempted to pry the boy off.

"Carry me there, Ken-chin. I can't waste energy before the match." Y/n grinned.

"Waste energy, my ass! You can't make an idiot out of me. I know the amount of energy you have stored in you. You're just lazy." Draken scoffed.

Nonetheless, he carried the boy to the changing rooms and even grabbed the supplies he (Y/n) needed.

After Y/n had changed, he walked with Draken to his team's side, ignoring the yells and calls for his attention.

"So many people and reporters for a match with two high-school teams." Draken deadpanned as his eyes darted around.

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